All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
'Prepare, Procrastinate, Perish'
- Rehashing the parable of the 10 Virgins
- Parable of the Talents, Spiritual Capital
- Higher & Lower Laws in the Parables
- The destruction of the temple of the...
'Summer is Night at Hand'
- We should learn to identify trends and patterns
- Disassembling the Creation Story represents chaos and a spiritual breakdown
Come Follow Me New Testament
'A Bull In A China Shop'
- The Chief Priests & Elders are the 'Thieves' of the Den
- Parable of the 2 Sons
- Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen
Come Follow Me New Testament
LDS Mormon...
'Pounds, Palms, & Procession'
- Zacchaeus and the focus on the Publicans
- Jesus' Royal Procession into Jerusalem
- The Temple Ceremony is a Royal Procession
Come Follow Me New...
'First - Last, Last - First. Alpha & Omega'
- Mirror realities in Heaven and Earth
- This is about covenant, not just position and the Gentiles
- Christ is the 'Alpha & Omega"
'The Family, A Camel & A Needle'
- Jesus teaches of marriage and the family to the anti-family Pharisees
- The Young Rich Man is taught the law of consecration and the Higher Law
- What the Young...
'Parable of the Unjust Steward'
- Maybe the most perplexing parable
- There is a forgotten character, The Accuser
- What does this parable have in common with the previous parables?
'Rich Man, Poor Man. Lazarus x 2'
- When the rubber hits the road, who do you serve?
- The fascinating parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
- Caiaphas knows how and...
'You, A Lost Child & Chiasmus'
- Jesus talks about the individual and responsibility
- The Prodigal Son- Who are you?
- The Secret Code of Chiasmus
Come Follow Me New Testament
A Light, A Blind Man & A Shepherd'
- The Tree of Life As The Light Of Christ
- Who's your daddy?
- The Jews are 'blind'
- We are shepherds
Come Follow Me New Testament
LDS Mormon...
50% Complete
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