Podcast & Blog

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 11-15 Part 2 (Jan 20-26)

'The Lamb & The Folds' Part 2

-  'White' is 'Pure'

-  Corruption and the Great and Abominable Church

-  'Tolerance', mercy and 'broad roads'

-  Justice (Cherubim) separate...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 8-10 (Jan 13-19)

'Lehi's Dream'

-  The dream as a mirror image of the Garden of Eden

-  'Men are that they might have joy'. The dream as chiasmus

-  A reflection of Lehi's environment in Jerusalem


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Cwic Clips- The Beatitudes, The Temple & Lehi's Dream

The Beatitudes seem to take place in a temple/ritual setting with significant temple imagery. Lehi's Dream is compared.



but going through this type of a filter

understanding that the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 1-7 Pt 2

''Return to Jerusalem'

-  Are Laman and Lemuel Deuteronomists?

-  The Davidic Covenant

-  Lehi is a 'visionary man' against the theology of Jerusalem at the time.

- ...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 1-7 Pt 1 (Jan 6-12)

'Lehi's Earlier Dream'

-  The environment in Lehi's Jerusalem

-  No 'Reformed Egyptian' for Nephi

-  In chapter 1, Nephi shows how Lehi's earlier dream counters the current...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Book of Mormon Introductory Pages

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2020

 'A Covenant & A Formula'

-  Moroni's message

-  Another Testament of Jesus Christ

-  The Plan of Salvation for the world plays out through 'Covenant'

-  The roles...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Intro to The Book of Mormon

'The Loss of Christ'

A quick history of the Israelites and Lehi's environment in Jerusalem shows us why the Book of Mormon came to be.



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Cwic Clips- Wolves in Wool

For some individuals that have different Values Hierarchies than you, it is important for them that you change your Values Hierarchy.



and then in 15 another universal

principle that...

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Cwic Clips- The Lords Prayer

- Why we don't say The Lord's Prayer word for word

- Jesus shows that he is both a King and a servant in a fluid hierarchy

- In earth as it is in heaven

- Give us this day our daily bread



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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 5- The Magi

'Christmas Part 5-  The Magi'

-  Who was Herod?

-  Who were the Magi

-  Where did they come from?

-  The Temple Imagery of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh




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