All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
'The Lamb & The Folds' Part 2
- 'White' is 'Pure'
- Corruption and the Great and Abominable Church
- 'Tolerance', mercy and 'broad roads'
- Justice (Cherubim) separate...
'Lehi's Dream'
- The dream as a mirror image of the Garden of Eden
- 'Men are that they might have joy'. The dream as chiasmus
- A reflection of Lehi's environment in Jerusalem
The Beatitudes seem to take place in a temple/ritual setting with significant temple imagery. Lehi's Dream is compared.
but going through this type of a filter
understanding that the...
''Return to Jerusalem'
- Are Laman and Lemuel Deuteronomists?
- The Davidic Covenant
- Lehi is a 'visionary man' against the theology of Jerusalem at the time.
- ...
'Lehi's Earlier Dream'
- The environment in Lehi's Jerusalem
- No 'Reformed Egyptian' for Nephi
- In chapter 1, Nephi shows how Lehi's earlier dream counters the current...
'A Covenant & A Formula'
- Moroni's message
- Another Testament of Jesus Christ
- The Plan of Salvation for the world plays out through 'Covenant'
- The roles...
'The Loss of Christ'
A quick history of the Israelites and Lehi's environment in Jerusalem shows us why the Book of Mormon came to be.
Podcast Links:
For some individuals that have different Values Hierarchies than you, it is important for them that you change your Values Hierarchy.
and then in 15 another universal
principle that...
- Why we don't say The Lord's Prayer word for word
- Jesus shows that he is both a King and a servant in a fluid hierarchy
- In earth as it is in heaven
- Give us this day our daily bread
'Christmas Part 5- The Magi'
- Who was Herod?
- Who were the Magi
- Where did they come from?
- The Temple Imagery of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh
50% Complete
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