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Come Follow Me LDS- James Part 1, New Testament

The 'Works' of James

-  James 1:5 perfectly brings together both Works and Grace/Faith in a scripture for the restoration

-  The Golden Rule and The 'Platinum' Rule

-  We must have...

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Hebrews- Joseph Smith's Priestly Trio- Melchizedek, Abraham & Jesus Christ (Facebook Live)

Melchizedek, Abraham and Jesus Christ makeup a priestly trio that Joseph Smith highlights in from the Book of Hebrews, JST Genesis 14 and Alma 13.

This was a presentation done for Come Follow Me...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 7-13 Part 3

'Faith of the Ancients'

-  What is faith?

-  The prophets and others in the Old Testament had faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God

-  There was a doctrine of resurrection in the Old...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 7-13, Chaps 9-10, New Testament

'Last Will & Day of Atonement'

-  The shedding of Christ's blood effectuates the the 'Last Will & Testament' of God.

-  The ancient Day of Atonement was all about Christ and His...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 7-13, Chaps 7-8, New Testament

'Titles & Forms'
- What can appear to be a description of Christ, Prophets & Priests, is often a title.
- King of Salem, King of Jerusalem, King of Peace, Prince of Peace
- The lineage of the...

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Cwic Clips- Bethany

bethany cwic clips the poor Nov 12, 2019

- Bethany as the 'Poor House'



LDS Mormon


so Bethany is a what appears to be a

place of refuge a city of refuge it may

be that it was a place for sick people

to go to it may...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 Chaps 4-6, New Testament

'Actors, Roles & Drama'
- Joseph Smith was right
- Jesus, like Abraham, takes the role of the Throne Bearer
- The Melchizedek King tradition is about Jesus Christ



Come Follow Me


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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 , Chap 4, New Testament

'Works, Rest & The Order of Melchizedek'
- The Weak as Works and Rest
- The Exodus as Works and Rest, or 'Promise'
- God Created the World with 'Works' and 'Rest'
- Works and Rest as the Lower...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 Part 1, New Testament

'The Condescension of God'
- Christ starts near the top of the hierarchy
- He lowers Himself to the bottom of the hierarchy
- Descending or Suffering is Charity or 'Grace'
- 'Make thine enemies a...

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Cwic Clips- Fasting for 40 Days

40 days cwic clips fasting Nov 03, 2019

- Did Jesus really fast for 40 Days?
- How long can someone go without food?



LDS Mormon Fasting


so in verse 2 it says and when he had

fasted forty days and forty nights he


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