Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Cwic Show- Book of Abraham: Priesthood, Kolob & Facsimiles

Where does The Book of Abraham currently fit within the modern LDS doctrinal conscious? Why isn't it read and referenced more often? Stephen and I talk about this, Kolob, Osiris, hierarchies,...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 3 Nephi 12-16 (Sep 21 - 27)

'The Sermon on the Temple'
- Jesus follows the themes of Creation, Baptism and Covenant
- The "Salt of the Earth" are the covenant people of the earth.
- What does the "Strait Gate" mean?
- Like the...

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Cwic Show- The United Nation's Sex Ed Agenda For Children

Content Warning! Not for Children!
Some Graphic Illustrations!

The United Nations has a global sex ed agenda called, CSE, Comprehensive Sex Education. CSE focuses on the proliferation of their...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 3 Nephi 8-11 (Sep 14 - 20)

'Disaster & Recovery'
- Flood, lightning, storms, tornadoes, earthquakes ravage the Nephite Nation
- Personal major earthquake story
- The sign of the birth of Christ was from the heavens while...

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Cwic Show- Agency & Consequences, Gary C. Lawrence

"Agency & Consequences'
Gary and I discuss his most recent book, The Magnificent Gift of Agency, To Act and Not Be Acted Upon. Gary extrapolates on what agency is and how it relates to several...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 3 Nephi 1-7 Part 2 (Sep7-13)

- The Nephites and Lamanites remain "gathered" to defend against the Gadianton Robbers.
- The Nephites/Lamanites eliminate all of the Gadianton Robbers
- Mormon inserts his words about...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 3 Nephi 1-7 Pt 1 (Sep 7-13)

"The Sign"
- The "ultimate" ultimatum set for believers on the day set for the "sign" of the birth of Christ
- A new star appears (The star the Magi followed)
- The Gadianton Robbers use a new...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Helaman 13-16 Part 2 (Aug 31-Sep 6)

'You Can See It In The Stars'
- Where Samuel started with the Lower Law, he now goes to Jesus Christ and the Higher Law
- 5-Year Prophecy of Jesus' Birth
- We check Genesis 1 for help on the meaning...

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Cwic Show- BLM, Race, Identity Politics, Church

'Ben Overton' Tim and I disagree on several issues on race, identity politics, the Anti-Racist movement and identity politics, but this is a good discussion from two people with differing...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Helaman 13-16 Pt 1 (Aug 31 - Sep 6)

'Slippery Treasures'
- The "Emperor's New Clothes"

- Samuel the Lamanite preaches repentance to a city drowning in a new morality.
- Treasures not hidden up to the Lord are slippery and lost
- Some...

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