All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
'Men, Women & Veils'
- At least someone actually talks about 1 Corinthians 11
- Temple Imagery with the Marital Hierarchy of 'Source'
- Women Wearing Veils
- I say, 'Venus' in this episode but the...
'Knowledge, Meat & Sacrifice'
- Paul contrasts the two trees with 'knowledge' and 'charity'
- The more we know, the more we should realize what we don't know
- The Sacrament is like the 'meat' of...
'Paul's Family Proclamation'
- Continuation on 'Mysteries'
- The Veil and The Body of Christ
- Paul's Marital Advice on Physical Relationships
Come Follow Me
LDS Mormon New Testament 1...
'The Wise & The Foolish'
- The wisdom of the world vs. the wisdom of God
- 'Mysteries' of 'The Beginning' and 'The Temple'
- Paul makes Higher & Lower Law parallels
- 'Weakness' in the world is...
'Weakness, Strength & Body'
- The body is the real temple
- The temple is veiled
- Weaknesses and strengths are what the Plan of Salvation are about
- Forced Equality removes the Spiritual Economy...
'Law - Judgement - Grace'
- We have all partaken of the fruit
- We are subject to the law and its consequences
- Grace 'Covers' the law
- Both Trees are necessary
Paul's orchestration of Faith, Works...
'Wages & Gifts'
- Further development of Faith, Works & Grace
- The Tree of Knowledge as 'The Law'
- Abraham as the linchpin for the Jews & Gentiles
- Paul adds a crucial component of the...
'Faith, Works & Grace'
- 3 Principles of the Spiritual Economy
- How will Paul use them?
- Is there relative truth?
- Protestants, Catholics and Latter-Day-Saints
Though the 'law' is the Law of...
'Shipwreck and Shackles'
- Paul's defense to King Agrippa
- His epic sea journey and shipwreck
- A God-given purpose is crucial to each of us
Come Follow Me
LDS Mormon New Testament...
'Jesus is Lord, Lord is Jehovah'
- Paul defends himself in Jerusalem
- This is a court of 'doctrine'
- Paul's 'Heresy' is preaching that the prophets have preached of Jehovah as Christ
50% Complete
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