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Facsimile 1 FOUND In Egyptian Temple!?

Bruce Porter and Greg discuss the image of Facsimile 1 of the Book of Abraham on a wall at Karnak, Egypt in the Temple of Opet.

The engraved image has Osiris on a Lion Couch bed, with his feet...

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Alma The Elder And Alma The Younger Were Both, At First, Antichrist

The Book of Mormon is written for us to understand the importance of the Doctrine of Christ, and to see, in our day, how that doctrine can dissolve.

Both Alma the Elder and his son, Alma the...

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More On Kirtland, BYU, And Butker, feat. John Hewlett


 Raw Transcript

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The Two Births And The Meaning Of The Tree of Life

The angelic hosts in 1 Nephi 11, tell Nephi of two births. Both are acts of "condescension." This is the meaning of the Tree of Life. God condescended to be in mortality, condescended into the...

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Discover The Ancient Secrets Of Joseph Smith's Book Of Joseph From Egypt

Was the Book of Joseph of Egypt found with the Book of Abraham? If so, do we have it today? Did Joseph Smith translate the Book of Joseph? Were there Vignettes/Facsimiles like the ones we found...

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LDS Temple Ceremony Found In Egyptian Temples and The Gospel On The Nile

Bruce Porter is an expert on the Latter-day Saint temple ceremony found within the long-standing Egyptian temples.

The Egyptian temples are built after a higher order than the temples in Jerusalem....

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Harrison Butker's CONTROVERSIAL Commencement Speech On Feminism, Men, Religion, And Truth

feminism harrison butker May 19, 2024

Kansas City Chief's kicker, Harrison Butker gives a "controversial" speech at Benedictine College. The media has attacked him for what? For speaking positively about men, encouraging women to be...

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Francis Sombato Fish Farm Progress - 1

fish farm francis sombato May 19, 2024

The donations are being put to good use, and quickly. You'll see Francis and others preparing the pond by clearing the land, digging the pond area, and creating the blocks.



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Tad Callister And The Founding Of America

Tad Callister and Hayden Paul expound on:
Why are we FLOUNDERING on the FOUNDING of America?
How do "Natural Rights" shape the founding of America?
Unalienable Rights remove the state as our primary...

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Fatherlessness Keeps Increasing - What Are The Consequences?

As single-mother homes continue to increase, the consequences for children become more apparent in our society.

Why would a culture continue its pressure on removing dads from families when the...

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