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Grace And Works - Latter-day Saint and Evangelical Pastor - Jeff McCullough

"We have these conversations BECAUSE we are different."

What is Salvation?
Reaction to Book of Mormon Verses
How might Protestants see the temple as "Works?"
Once "Saved", can someone lose Salvation?

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Teddy Bear Jesus and The Therapy Gospel

"Teddy Bear" Jesus to Victimhood to Liberation

With works, obedience, and personal responsibility on one end, and grace, comfort, and healing on the other, the gospel pendulum seems to be rapidly...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1-2 Peter Pt 2, New Testament

'From God's Mouth to Your Ear'

-  The attributes of 'Becoming'

-  Developing attributes is 'Works'

-  Calling and Election

-  The process of Witnesses and Doctrinal Revelation


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Come Follow Me LDS- James Part 1, New Testament

The 'Works' of James

-  James 1:5 perfectly brings together both Works and Grace/Faith in a scripture for the restoration

-  The Golden Rule and The 'Platinum' Rule

-  We must have...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 , Chap 4, New Testament

'Works, Rest & The Order of Melchizedek'
- The Weak as Works and Rest
- The Exodus as Works and Rest, or 'Promise'
- God Created the World with 'Works' and 'Rest'
- Works and Rest as the Lower...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Romans 7-16, Part 1

'Law - Judgement - Grace'
- We have all partaken of the fruit
- We are subject to the law and its consequences
- Grace 'Covers' the law
- Both Trees are necessary

Paul's orchestration of Faith, Works...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Romans 1-6 Part 2

'Wages & Gifts'
- Further development of Faith, Works & Grace
- The Tree of Knowledge as 'The Law'
- Abraham as the linchpin for the Jews & Gentiles
- Paul adds a crucial component of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Romans 1-6 Part 1

'Faith, Works & Grace'
- 3 Principles of the Spiritual Economy
- How will Paul use them?
- Is there relative truth?
- Protestants, Catholics and Latter-Day-Saints

Though the 'law' is the Law of...

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