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BYU Professor - "Was Joseph Gay?"

BYU Professor Presents Profile of a Gay Joseph

This is a response to Thomas Wayment's presentation to Dialogue Journal of Mormon Thought on Joseph of Egypt as a gay prophetic character.

The primary...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 42-50 Part 2

Part 2 of a 2 - Joseph - I Am Not A Victim

- The 3 separated brothers, Joseph, Simeon, and Benjamin

- The text continually reminds us about Joseph's dreams about ruling over his brothers.

- Joseph,...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 42-50 Part 1

- Joseph meets his brothers and sets the conditions of receiving grain and sparing their lives.

- The brothers begin to redeem themselves.

- The Book of Mormon pulls from the Egyptian heritage of...

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Ukraine & Putin - Putin is NOT Hitler

Putin's Real Relationship with Ukraine. Are You Being Duped Again?

- Why is Putin being compared to Hitler?
- What is the obvious comparison, why isn't it used, and why does it matter?
- The...

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The Restored Gospel Is Not Fox News or MSNBC

Fox News or MSNBC do not Reach the Values of the Gospel

Based on countless comments, emails, and other communications I receive from members, for many members, their political fervor supersedes...

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LDS Church News Email on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Church News Email Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Church News run by Deseret News had an article about International Women's Day with several enriching stories from women...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 37-41 - Joseph In Egypt

A Legacy of The Book of Mormon

Did Nephi use Genesis chapters 37-41 about Joseph his ancestor to write his portion of the Book of Mormon? What does Joseph's coat of many colors represent? The...

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"Root Out Racism" is not Critical Race Theory

Many Members Of The Church Are Confused By Those Conflating Root Out Racism with Critical Race Theory

The Charge from President Nelson and President Oaks to "Root out racism" and "lead out" against...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 28-33, Jacob Becomes Israel

Jacob Separates from Esau Then Reconciles in a Covenant Theme

The story of Genesis 28-33 is told in a covenantal outline. Jacob leaves Esau then reconciles with him in an "embrace", similar to an...

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Canada Moving Toward Minority Report Government?

Trudeau and Canada Move Toward "Pre-Crime" and a Social Credit System

When Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act it gave him unprecedented powers as Prime Minister. He was able to circumvent due...

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