Podcast & Blog

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Mother's Day and the Eve of the Temple

Women ARE Mother Eve.

"The Mother of All Living" is a title.



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BYU Comments- Yes, It's Happening

Comments from BYU Parents, Students, & Faculty.



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More on BYU Open Letter

Reactions and What Is Happening on the BYU Open Letter

There are a few themes developing in the reactions to the BYU Open Letter. From both sides of the issue. These include:

1) The Names of the...

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BYU Open Letter to Faculty, Students, & Parents on Radicalization & CRT

On It's Way To Becoming Rampant, BYU Has Some Bad Apples

I receive dozens of contacts from students and faculty members. This includes administration and support staff. Also from heartbroken...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Exodus 35 - Leviticus 19

Tabernacle and Atonement

These chapters from Exodus 35-Leviticus 19, are some of the best for Temple Imagery. If you put these chapters through the Temple Imagery Interpreter and think about the...

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Cwic Week 4-30-22

Review and Follow-Up of the Week's Episodes

- Elon Musk and Twitter
- Under The Banner Of Heaven
- Pride Robe at BYU
- Postmodernism and The Book of Mormon



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Under the Banner of Heaven - Cwic Review

Absurdly Negative Cliche of Latter-day Saint Life

I could barely get through the first two episodes of the Under the Banner of Heaven series. It was brutal. An incessant onslaught of stereotypical...

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BYU Graduate Shocks with Pride Flag

byu lgbtq pride flag Apr 28, 2022

BYU Graduate Receives Diploma Then Opens Her Robe To Show Pride Flag

Was Elder Holland Prophetic in his BYU talk last summer? "Commandeering the graduation". Is protesting the LGBTQ policies at BYU...

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NAACP & Elon Musk Buys Twitter Follow-Ups

NAACP /Church Agreement Based On Self-Reliance - Changes Already at Twitter

According to Critical Race Theory and Whiteness Studies, self-reliance is "whiteness". However, this is exactly what the...

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Elon Musk Twitter Buy Changes Everything

Elon Musk will bring Twittter private giving him more control over the changes he wants to implement. This could have major effects on other social media platforms. Will Elon Musk discuss the...

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