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Come Follow Me LDS- Intro to The Book of Mormon

'The Loss of Christ'

A quick history of the Israelites and Lehi's environment in Jerusalem shows us why the Book of Mormon came to be.



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Cwic Clips- Wolves in Wool

For some individuals that have different Values Hierarchies than you, it is important for them that you change your Values Hierarchy.



and then in 15 another universal

principle that...

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Cwic Clips- The Lords Prayer

- Why we don't say The Lord's Prayer word for word

- Jesus shows that he is both a King and a servant in a fluid hierarchy

- In earth as it is in heaven

- Give us this day our daily bread



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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 5- The Magi

'Christmas Part 5-  The Magi'

-  Who was Herod?

-  Who were the Magi

-  Where did they come from?

-  The Temple Imagery of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh




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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 4- The Shepherds

Christmas Part 4-  'The Shepherds'

-  Were these ordinary shepherds, or priestly shepherds

-  The Tower of the Flock is the likely place of the angel's visit.

-  Was Jesus...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 3- The Newborn King

'A Newborn King'

-  The proper names 'Mary' and 'Jesus'

-  Gabriel visits Joseph

-  The Virgin Birth as chasm between the Christians and the Jews

-  The loss of the Doctrine of...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 2- Mary & Elizabeth

'Mary & Elizabeth'

-  Gabriel visits the young Mary

-  Mary visits Elizabeth. They have a conversation.

-  Mary is the fulfillment of prophecy

-  Zacharias prophecies of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 1- Zacharias & Gabriel

'Zacharias & Gabriel'

-  Setting the Christmas Stage

-  Waiting for the Messiah or Waiting for The Son of God?

-  Zacharias as Priest in the temple

- The Christmas story starts...

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Cwic Clips- House On A Rock, The Temple Mount & Peter

cwic clips peter rock temple Dec 16, 2019

- How might Peter and Jesus Christ be 'The Rock'

- What is the 'House built on a rock'?



and then he finishes up the Sermon on

the Mount was something really

interesting and that is...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Revelation 1-11 Part 2, New Testament

'Thrones & Seals'

-  Revelation describes a Throne Scene in the Holy of Holies

-  The Four Beasts

-  The 24 Elders

-  The Seven Seals

A few late night editing errors on this...

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