All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Morning Walk and Talk
- Senator Hawley and Berkeley professor exchange on language, truth, and violence
- Response to "Where Are The Men In The Church" episode
- BYU and a new organization to fight...
Do The Reforms Under King Josiah Set The Stage For Lehi's Jerusalem?
- We plant a seed for Isaiah and Hezekiah and The Suffering Servant
- Was King Josiah who we are told he was?
- What did the...
Such a Void For Men Creates A Great Opportunity For The Church
- With the west disparaging boys, men, and the "patriarchy," the Church should be a refuge for men.
- Jordan Peterson covers three...
There Are Fewer Male Members Of The Church
- What messaging are we giving men?
- Do we adequately portray a positive male experience in the Church?
- So many women's programs, so many single women...
The Prophetic Mantle
- What is meant by the story of the two she-bears?
- Spiritual blindness
Identitarianism Seeks to Destroy the Traditional Family
Language can be a virus to our understanding of the world. Ibram Kendi's new book, "How To Raise An Antiracist", often replaces "parent" with...
Love Is A Verb First. It Is A Price.
- Mercy = payment, cost, sacrifice. The Love of God is His sacrifice and his work for us.
- Love is expressed as part of a relationship, not just a feeling.
Elijah The Miracle Worker
- Elijah is almost alone in his priesthood and support of Jehovah
- His confrontation with the priests of Baal or similar to our circumstances today.
- Mt Horeb is a temple...
Gratitude Should Come With The Principles of the US Constitution
- Sets the stage to leverage agency for good and bad
- Other ideologies fight against these "established" principles
- The US and the...
Church Culture Throws a Wrench in The Spiral of Silence
The Spiral of Silence is a communication theory of why voices are stifled by others. However, what are the reasons Church members stifle...
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