All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
'I Think You're My Brother' - Family History and a Revealing DNA Test '
Randy Lindsay couldn't believe his DNA test was true. It showed him a completely different ancestry. This 50 something year...
Craig Newsome describes growing up in a strict, religious home in New Zealand. He shares his journey from Christianity to atheism, to Buddhism, then his introduction to the LDS Church through,...
Whenever truths arrives, those who are against it put up numerous obstacles. But without force from the opponents of truth, truth will win out. But force is the natural course too many times.
...'A Wrestle With God'
- Enos Wrestles Before God
- Passing through the 4 Phases of the Priesthood
- A story of the attributal progression of Faith, Hope and Charity
- ...
Dr. Kenny Bramwell is a System Medical Director for St. Luke's Health System
- What happens when hospital staff get infected with Covid-19?
- Are US hospitals ready for Coronavirus?
'Change Can Be Good'
- Performing the ordinance of the sacrament requires approval from your Bishop or Branch President
- Like 'wild olive branches' Change Can Be Good
- This is a...
'The Allegory of the Olive Trees'
- Who was Zenos?
- There has to be a starting point, it is the House of Israel
- The Allegory is the story of 'covenant' between the peoples of...
Robert Gruler is a criminal defense attorney with a remarkable story. He gives us the low-down on the criminal justice system and the flaws most of us never hear about. Robert candidly talks about...
'Clean Hands and a Pure Heart"
- Crazy Week! - Ideas on working with the current changes in the church
- Learning from the Coronavirus
Zoom Video and Teleconferencing ...
At age 18, Sylvia Pollack began smuggling people from East Germany to West Germany. Things were going well, then she was setup by the East German security force, the Stasi. After 3 months in an...
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