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MORE Harvard Plagiarism and DEI's Consequences feat. Dr. Carol Swain

Dr. Carol Swain is a high-profile, award-winning academic and a scholar of Political Science and Law. The former Harvard President, Claudine Gay, plagiarized Dr. Swain's work. Now there are...

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The Dangers of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Erec Smith

I have been following Erec Smith for at least the last couple of years. Erec resigned as a 'Diversity Officer" once he saw the dangers of how this industry is framing the work and the vocabulary....

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LDS Church News Email on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Church News Email Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Church News run by Deseret News had an article about International Women's Day with several enriching stories from women...

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