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"Taking the Lord's Name"
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"A Woke LDS Jesus?"
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Liberation Theology and new "Christologies" are making their way through Christianity and to the doorstep of the Latter-day Saints....
Representative Steve Christiansen is the sponsor for House Resolution (HR) 901 detailing the restriction of "race essentialism", a part of Critical Race Theory, being taught in Utah public schools....
"Body Record"
Joseph Smith, W.W. Phelps, and other Elders make their way to Ohio from Independence by way of canoes on the Missouri River.
The Lord yet again refers to the Parable of the Talents....
"We Have Received The Proclamations For A Reason"
As we observe the fruits of Critical Race Theory in several Christian denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Church of...
"Agents Unto Themselves"
With the focus moving to Missouri, Joseph Smith and the early Saints now have a place for Zion. The Lord teaches them that they are to "work" and obey to create and build...
"Codependent Discipleship"
"What is Codependency?"
Nick Galieti and Jennifer Roach discuss their book, Codependent Discipleship. We discuss the interrelationship of codependency with God and with...
"Stewards, Talents and Consecration"
The Law of Consecration is the higher law designed for the people of Zion and a Promised Land. Getting there is a matter of becoming "one" as a people. The...
"Critical Race Theory is pervasive on the BYU campus. We discuss the choice of guest speakers who preach Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Anti-democracy and Anti-Americanism, and the...
One night, John Renouard had a dream. A vivid dream. He saw a man-powered, water drill that could reach remote parts of the world and supply clean water to villages. Eventually, a team of BYU...
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