All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
The Philosophies of Men in the Book of Mormon and Today
Of course, the Book of Mormon is about Jesus Christ. But there is more. One way to look at the Book of Mormon is through the Nephite...
The Commonality of Visions
We compare the visions of Ezekiel, Lehi, John the Revelator, and Jesus. By placing the Valley of Dry Bones in context with the previous chapter, we learn more about this...
Brother Corbitt's Focus on the Doctrine of Christ
Brother Corbitt's states that we must understand the Doctrine of Christ to help teach others, including those who show Activism Toward the Church...
An Intro And Then Brother Corbitt's Full Talk
I just felt like I needed to let him speak. There are so many piercing truths in this talk. I will follow up with commentary in a few days.
Do You Use All Of The Health Science Resources?
I have, by force, had to research alternative sources of medicine and health throughout my life. If I hadn't done this, I believe I would either be...
What To Make of The Proclamations Today
Each of the last three proclamations has been delivered at a time when that proclamation seemed incredibly obvious. But then . . . things changed.
Why was...
A New Worldview Pulls Away Hearts And Minds
We would do well by understanding the warnings of the Book of Mormon and the time of Captain Moroni.
Identitarianism and Critical Social Justice are the...
More On Lehi's Jerusalem!
Uriah the prophet runs, then is caught and killed. The same thing was to happen to Lehi.
Marlo Oaks -Standing Up Against ESG
Marlo Oaks is the State Treasurer for the state of Utah and was one of the first state treasurers nationally to divest investments Blackrock, the largest asset...
The Dominating Deuteronomists!
Jeremiah is called as a prophet just one year after King Josiah's reforms. What's going on? The priests are corrupt, the temple and its ordinances are corrupt- this...
50% Complete
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