All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Joseph Smith does not make up with the temple ceremony.
The Temple is about Exaltation. We don't talk about it enough. If we don't have that doctrine, then we are like every other Christian...
In The Language Of Adam book-
The Visionary Men, states David Butler, are the followers of a tradition of Isaiah, perhaps even descendants of Isaiah. They...
Bruce Porter is an expert on the Latter-day Saint temple ceremony found within the long-standing Egyptian temples.
The Egyptian temples are built after a higher order than the temples in Jerusalem....
Todd McLauchlin is back for a deep-dive conversation on the priesthood!
- What is the Priesthood?
- The Ordinances of the Priesthood
- Being Invited Into The Order
- The Priesthood In The Temple
If you have followed this channel, you know that I have stated over the years that in Lehi's Dream, the most likely building represented by the Great and Spacious Building, is the Temple at...
Significant changes to the temple experience. They're wonderful
A more direct message.
- You are Adam or Eve
- More focus on the Jesus Christ
- More instruction and context
- More clarification
Do We Understand Other Changes Must Occur To Change Temple
- Some believe that temple marriage between a man and a woman is not a core doctrine.
- Some invest a lot in the hope for temple change
'Zacharias & Gabriel'
- Setting the Christmas Stage
- Waiting for the Messiah or Waiting for The Son of God?
- Zacharias as Priest in the temple
- The Christmas story starts...
- How might Peter and Jesus Christ be 'The Rock'
- What is the 'House built on a rock'?
and then he finishes up the Sermon on
the Mount was something really
interesting and that is...
We often say that our body is a temple, like the temples we go to around the world. But perhaps it is the other way around- our body is the real temple.
LDS Mormon Body Temple Word...
50% Complete
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