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Come Follow Me LDS - Matthew 6-7 Part 2

'Wolves, Fruits & A Rock'
- Being in the minority is good - Wolves in Wool!
- Fruits and Practical Knowledge - Words as 'Triggers'
- The Rock! Not Dwayne Johnson!


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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 6-7 Part 1

Actors, A Prayer & A Priority
- Hypocrites - Checklists vs Change - The Lord's Prayer
- The Aaronic Law, on its own, can't survive


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Come Follow Me New...

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Do Jews, Muslims & Christians Worship The Same God? Ask Ammon!

A few years ago, a professor at a Christian University was fired for wearing a hijab and saying that Muslims and Christians worshiped the same god.

Ammon works his way through an interfaith...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 5, Luke 6

- Jesus goes up a 'mountain' and creates a temple setting
- He gives the new law and requirements for progression
- Love your enemies? - Perfect?



Come Follow Me New Testament


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Come Follow Me LDS - John 2-4 Part 2

Water, Women and Weddings
- Being born again of water AND the Spirit.
- Ancient Marriage Scene of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well.
- How wells are betrothal scenes, i.e., Rebekah, Rachael,...

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Come Follow Me LDS- John 2-4 Part 1

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2019

- Mary and Women as The Throne

- Marriage at Cana
- Jesus 'cleanses' the temple referring to the Day of Atonement High Priest of the OT.
- Word of Wisdom as 'cleansing our temple', inviting the...

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A Cursory Exploration of the Higher and Lower Laws- LDS

-A different way of looking at the scriptures!
-Throughout the scriptures, the authors use a framework of The Higher (Melchizedek) and Lower (Aaronic) Laws to present their stories and lessons.

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 4; Luke 4-5 Part 2

-Jesus, as a Jew, was a minority in Galilee!
-Gentiles as a constant feature of the function of the Melchizedek Priesthood and the fulness of the gospel.
-Jesus as 'healer' = 'Haeland'



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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 4, Luke 4-5 Part1

- How Darth Vader and Voldemort represent Satan.
- Jesus is seeing a vision! He is tempted in the wilderness.
- Did Jesus really fast for 40 days?
- Visions are found throughout the scriptures, Lehi,...

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How The Quorum of the Twelve Make Group Decisions

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2019

Elder Eyring talks about Harvard and Stanford Business Schools and how decisions are made in corporate America as compared to how the Brethren make group decisions.



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