Podcast & Blog

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter- Episode 3: Tuesday- Teachings

- The Abrahamic Covenant connected to 'as a hen gathereth her chicks'
- The Widow's Mite
- The Parable of the 10 Virgins and the Lamps & Oil as Christ
- The Parable of the Talents as an...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 2: Monday- Temple Cleansing

- Already honored as King, Jesus Now Shown as The Great Melchizedek High Priest
- Cleansing the temple is symbolic of the High Priest ritual on the Day of Atonement
- The temple is the destination of...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 1: Palm Sunday

- Bethany as religious community for 'Les Miserables'
- Jesus is the God King and Suffering Servant from the Temple Drama of the ancient Israelites.
- The 'palms' may have been a ritual from the...

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Come Follow Me LDS Follow Up- The Mount of Transfiguration: Wait, Who Is Elias?

 -Who was on the Mount of Transfiguration?

- Further information about Elias and Elijah

I do not make any conclusions on this topic. I only try to put some information out there about this...

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A Primer To The 4 Phases Of The Priesthood- For Men & Women

All men and women, families and societies must go through the Four Phases Of The Priesthood for success. The Four Phases are:

1- Agency (Obedience, Commandments, Sacrifice)
2- Speech (Expression,...

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Getting More Out Of General Conference

- General Conference happens to coincide with Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.

- Seeing the talks through the filters of:

1. The Higher & Lower Laws
2. Temple Imagery & Drama

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 16-17, Mark 8-9, Luke 9,Part 2

'High Places, A Shiny Face & Elias x2'
- Jesus Takes Peter James & John to a 'High Place'
- John the Baptist & Moses Appear
- There are two different Eliases



Come Follow Me...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 16-17, Mark 8-9, Luke 9 Part 1

'Leaven, Seder & Keys'
- The Leaven of the Pharisees is Hypocrisy and loss of Christ
- The Seder is the Passover Meal
- The keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood are given to Simon Peter



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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 14-15, Mark 6-7, John 5-6 Part 2

'The 5,000, A Walk & Dirty Hands'
- Jesus feeds the 5,000
- He walks on the sea, Peter tries
- What comes out of your mouth is more important than what goes in.



Raw Transcript

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 14-15, Mark 6-7, John 5-6 Part 1

'Bed & Bath, Graves & Dancing'
- Jesus heals a man who carries his bed on the Sabbath
- Jesus will teach in the Spirit World
- Herodias' daughter dances to get the head of John the Baptist


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