All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
How Mary & Women represent the throne in many ancient civilizations.
LDS Mormon Women Mary Throne
and then he sneaks in this little tidbit
here this this nice little...
'Charity, Prophecy & Hierarchy'
- Faith, Hope & Charity as a hierarchy
- Even Spiritual Gifts have a hierarchy
- Women to be 'silent' in church?
- Women and the priesthood
'Men, Women & Veils'
- At least someone actually talks about 1 Corinthians 11
- Temple Imagery with the Marital Hierarchy of 'Source'
- Women Wearing Veils
- I say, 'Venus' in this episode but the...
- How women represent the veil
- Women represent eternal steps of Birth, Marriage & Death
- Where the word 'Mother' comes from
- We still use ancient cultural practices of 'to veil or not to veil'...
Water, Women and Weddings
- Being born again of water AND the Spirit.
- Ancient Marriage Scene of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well.
- How wells are betrothal scenes, i.e., Rebekah, Rachael,...
-If there was not a human 'spirit', just biology, could we have free agency?
-What determines free agency? Does evolutionary psychology explain our free will?
-Why is the individual so important?
50% Complete
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