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Neal A. Maxwell on Social Justice, Equality, and Secularism

This is fabulous! Neal A. Maxwell Compares the Gospel (Eternalism) to Social Justice (Secularism)

In 1974 Neal A. Maxwell wrote a very applicable and telling article in regards to egalitarianism,...

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Examples of How Critical Race Theory Manifests at BYU

 A BYU "Whiteness" Assignment and Students Speak Out

The students that leaked this assignment are being harassed by other BYU professors who are threatening to send them to the Honor Code...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 24-27, The Abrahamic Covenant

All Will Be Tested Like Abraham and Sarah

The Abrahamic Covenant is covered from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. The birthright inheritance and the birthright blessing are both representations of...

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What BYU Is Teaching Your Kids- In Their Own Words

What BYU Is Teaching Your Kids- In Their Own Words

Short Excerpts from BYU Professors and Invited Guests

Teachings from lectures and discussions on Gender, Critical Race Theory, Liberation...

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Brad Wilcox Fireside Controversy, Race and the Priesthood

Brad Wilcox Fireside Controversy, Race and the Priesthood
Brother Brad Wilcox Comments, Apology, and Reactions
What exactly did Brother Brad Wilcox say in his Fireside remarks? Was it racist? What...

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The Machine Behind the Utah K-12 Gender Policy

There Is A Larger, Woke Machine At Work

A careful analysis of the proposed Utah K-12 Gender Policy shows something much larger at work. While offering love, charity, and support to those who are...

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Whoopi Goldberg, The Canadian Truck Convoy, and Race

Whoopi Goldberg Downplays Race While Justin Trudeau Amplifies It

 Whoopi Goldberg Downplays Race While Justin Trudeau Amplifies It

On the same day, Whoopi Goldberg and Justin Trudeau referred...

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Critical Race Theory in K-12

Teacher's Unions are the new vanguard for Critical Race Theory in K-12

The NEA, the largest labor union in America, last year adopted several Critical Race Theory motions, then wrote a letter to...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Flood & Tower, Genesis 6-11

We should look at Noah's Ark and contrast it to the Tower of Babel. They are both temples, one of God, the other of man. This is the same thing we get in Lehi's Dream. The theme here is DBR, the...

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Hospital Brass & Breath - What Happened

hospitals law of advocacy Jan 30, 2022

The Law of Advocacy

"This is going to hurt like hell"

- Greg's recent stay in the ICU and Hospital.

- Run in with the Hospital Brass

- Dangerously closed air passageway from anaphylactic shock

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