All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
The Ascension of Sinai is the Ascension of the Temple
The two sets of tablets are the Higher and the Lower Laws. The Children of Israel reject the opportunity to "see the face of God" which happens...
"Lean not unto thine own understanding" Postmodernism & Proverbs 3:5
Postmodernism seeks to elevate your "lived experience" above an objective truth such as the gospel. Postmodernism is...
Social Media is Disintegrating Society
Author and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt recently wrote an article for the Atlantic. It is a summary of what he has been speaking and writing about for...
Exodus 18 and Abraham 3 - Sinai a Temple Experience
Exodus chapter 18 is not primarily about delegation. It is about the priesthood. It is parallel to Abraham 3. As the stage gets set for the Sinai...
Video of West Jordan High School classroom complete with Critical Social Justice and Marxist heroes on the walls, Critical Race Theory,, Ideological slogans, and sexually explicit books. We place...
Our Relationship With God Is Above Adversity
Elder Christofferson guides us through the noise of adversity to the signal of our relationship with Christ and teaches us not to be victims. Using the...
Hyperemphasizing Less Important Identities
The West, through nefarious ideologies of identity, is systematically being broken down by society, family, and the individual. We live in a world...
Easter Week Should Be Seen as a Royal Procession, Coronation, and Temple Experience
The last week of Jesus' mortal life takes on more meaning when we see it through the lens of ancient rituals and...
New Video Emerges of Utah Governer Cox Giving Kids His Preferred Pronouns
A video has surfaced showing Utah Governor Cox giving his preferred pronouns to kids. Who helped fund Governor Cox's...
The Lord Intervenes In Our Lives
The Lord tells Moses and the Children of Israel to "camp by the sea." The Children of Israel are then concerned for their lives with nowhere to run from the...
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