Podcast & Blog

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Come Follow Me LDS - Joshua

The Tie Between Joshua and Joseph

- Joshua is written in covenantal language. Much of what is happening in this book is covenant.

- "Choose you this day whom ye will serve" is part of a covenant...

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National Press Club Elder Bednar and Identitarianism

At the National Press Club Elder Bednar Speaks in DC

Direct questions often elicit direct answers. Elder Bednar answers questions on gay marriage in the temple, women and the priesthood, and Trans...

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Salt Lake Tribune- Mormon Land Podcast Response on BYU "Petition"

Mormon Land Podcast Frames BYU "Awareness Document" in Racial Terms

The Salt Lake Tribune's Mormon Land Podcast episode shows that the continual conflation of hard leftist ideology with social...

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Liberation Theology Episode 2- Jesus and Barabbas

Which "Jesus" Do You Choose?

- Some early Greek manuscripts have Barabbas as "Jesus Barabbas".
- Barabbas was a Zealot, an insurrectionist, a political "Messiah"
- There were several political...

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Postmodernism and the New Woke ExMo World

Conversation with a Post-Mormon on Postmodernism and The Church

Chris fell away from the Church "philosophically".
- Faith, what is it?
- Shelves - Everything in life is placed on a shelf

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My Missionary Experience with a Gang Fight

What do you do when a gang is running after you?

- Surrounded by a gang

- Fighting like it's the end

- The Lord's blessing when you're living right

- Fatherless homes



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Come Follow Me LDS - Deuteronomy

Serpents, Arrows, Beasts, & Swords

The Hebrew name for the Book of Deuteronomy is, "Sefer Devarim" - The Book of the Words! This book is framed with our concept of "DBR".

Within just a few...

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President Oaks & Elder Gilbert - Proclaim Truth!

Resist "the invading ideologies that seek control . ."

Ensign College Devotional

- In the Last Days, good will be called evil, and evil will be called good.

- "We must stand fast against the values...

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Kurt Francom - Leadership In The Church

kurt francom leadership May 17, 2022

Inside Baseball for Church Leadership

- Where do local Church leaders fall short in their leadership skills?
- How to lead in our digital age
- Being an online influencer in an "Influencer Economy"....

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Liberation Theology and The Latter-day Saints

 Is the Greatest Threat to The Restored Gospel Liberation Theology?

What is Liberation Theology?

How does it change the Doctrine of Christ?

How are Faith, Hope, and Charity affected?

How is...

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