Podcast & Blog

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MLK vs DEI - A Forgotten Message

Martin Luther King fought for "Equality" under the framework of the US Constitution. The so-called "Civil Rights" leaders today do not. Critical Race Theory and Antiracism fight vehemently against...

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New LDS Communications Director Supports Pride and Pronouns

The New Managing Director of Communications for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints supports the Pride and Trans movement and uses pronouns.

What does a member of the Church make of...

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Unveiling BYU's Newest Class: The "Philoswiftie" Class, A Taylor Swift Extravaganza!

byu philosophy taylor swift Jan 11, 2024

A new Taylor Swift class has begun at BYU. The class is focused on the "Philosophy of Taylor Swift." The professor calls this "philoswiftie." Is this too superficial for a serious university, or is...

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2023 Review - 2024 Outlook - How To CHANGE Yourself

 2023 Review of Cwic Media 2024 What's Coming? A message on how to change yourself for the New Year from personal experience.



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Jew and Palestinian - Is This A Land Dispute Or A Holy War?

Only a portion of this interview was previously uploaded due to a corrupt file. That episode has been removed. This is the full version.

Jason Olson, a Jewish convert, and Jabra Ghneim, a...

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Book of Mormon Movie, The Oath - A Unique Approach to Latter-day Saint Themed Movies

Darin Scott is the writer, producer, director, and actor of the independent film, "The Oath." Darin takes a unique approach to Moroni's character and events at the end of his life. "Moroni is not a...

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Book of Mormon Movie, The Oath - A Unique Approach to Latter-day Saint Themed Movies

Scritpure Notes - https://www.scripturenotes.com

Darin Scott is the writer, producer, director, and actor of the independent film, "The Oath." Darin takes a unique approach to Moroni's character...

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Come Follow Me Rainbow Tree? "Reaction" and Comments

I recently published an episode called, "Come Follow Me Tree of Pride" about a painting of the Tree of Life with rainbow colors. It was up for less than 24 hours. I pulled it down. I explain why in...

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Come Follow Me Rainbow Tree? "Reaction" and Comments

Scripture Notes - https://www.scripturenotes.com

I recently published an episode called, "Come Follow Me Tree of Pride" about a painting of the Tree of Life with rainbow colors. It was up for less...

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Underground Soviet Christians and American Christians

Scripture Notes - https://www.scripturenotes.com 

Julie Behlling did her Master's Thesis on the underground Christian churches in the Soviet Union.

Are there parallels between the 20th-century...

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