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"Body and Spirit"
Doctrine and Covenants 89, a "Word of Wisdom", is more about spiritual things than physical. The "promise" from the Lord is not a physical one. Not primarily. It is spiritual. Our...
We often say that our body is a temple, like the temples we go to around the world. But perhaps it is the other way around- our body is the real temple.
LDS Mormon Body Temple Word...
“Diet is another factor which can impact behavioral responses such as anxiety, stress response and memory. Foods that are rich in either sugar or fat have been shown to be able to relieve...
“The early Christians were known to have remarkably positive views of the human body. Celsus was a second-century Greek philosopher who wrote the first book against Christianity (it was...
I can honestly say I don’t know any member of the church that lives a strict “non-meat” diet because of the Word of Wisdom. Sure, I know plenty of members who are...
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