Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Faith over Secularism!

We are living in a time when secularism has taken hold of our culture like never before. Its ideologies, philosophies, and identities have changed our institutions, education, our communication,...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Isaiah 13-39

Another Cwic Study Group Deep Dive Into Isaiah

We extend the thread between Isaiah and the Book of Mormon



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Gay Latter-day Saint on Tolerance vs Love

Gay Latter-day Saints Can Follow the Covenant Path

Skyler Sorenson hosts the podcast "Sit Down With Sky & Preston," two gay Latter-day Saint men who have married women in the temple and follow...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Isaiah 1-12

Glimpse into Cwic Study Group

This episode is the video portion of the Cwic Study Group on Isaiah 1-12



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Elder Christofferson at BYU- Identity, Identity, Identity!

The True Order Of Identity and Self-Reliance

Elder Christofferson highlights President Marion G. Romney's focus on the spiritual principle of self-reliance in all things, including emotional and...

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Nitric Oxide and Your Health - Overturning the Mask Mandate

John Hewlett on the Rich Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide

- Scientific studies on how Nitric Oxide benefits your health
- Why I supplement with Nitric Oxide everyday
- The interplay of Nitric Oxide...

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South Carolina Coach, Dawn Staley, Cancels BYU Games - Message to BYU Students

South Carolina Women's Basketball Coach Dawn Staley Has Same Experience?

South Carolina Women's Basketball coach Dawn Staley was accused of creating an environment of hostility and racism against...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Proverbs-Ecclesiastes

The Pursuit of Wisdom - Wisdom Is Not Enough

Proverbs, like Psalms, maybe a Fall Festival book of Wisdom read by the King to the congregation. And the Book of Ecclesiastes is still read at the...

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BYU-Duke Volleyball Race Hoax

Another Media Blunder

As details unfold in the Rachel Richardson, BYU-Duke Volleyball racial debacle, it is apparent that someone or several people are lying about at least some of the details of...

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