Podcast & Blog

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Come Follow Me LDS- 2 Nephi 26-30 (Feb 24 - Mar 1)

'The Learned & The Rich'

-  The adversary's dual strategy of removing the Doctrine of Christ and shutting out revelation

- The learned and the rich of worldy knowledge and economy

- 'Hell'...

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Cwic Clips- Physical & Spiritual Healing

The Lord asks for faith in order to heal both physically and spiritually. He teaches this lesson about his power to heal with the boy with palsy in Matthew 9.



alright so in this...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 2 Nephi 11-25 (Feb 17 - 23)

'The Meaning of Isaiah'

- Clues to reading these Isaiah chapters are found in Nephi's 'Introduction'

- Isaiah focuses on Christ, Covenant and the Higher & Lower Laws

- The meaning of the...

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Cwic Clips- At- One-ment, Mercy & Covering

How do these words and concepts work together? What do they have to do with the Ark of the Covenant? What does 'covering' (Kippur) with robes have to do with Atonement? How is mercy a part of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 2 Nephi 6-10 (Feb 10 - 16)

'I Say, Uh 'Isaiah''

-  Why Nephi obsesses about Isaiah

-  Nephi drops us right into the meat of Isaiah

-  Nephi and Jacob create the anchors to launch their new 'Jerusalem'

- ...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 2 Nephi 1-5 Pt 2 (Feb 3 - 9)

'Joseph of Egypt'

-  Joseph gave some of the greatest prophecies found in the brass plates

-  Speaking to his son Joseph, Lehi talks of his ancestor Joseph who talks of a seer in the...

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Cwic Clips- Trees And The Word 'Mother'

Cwic Clips- Trees And The Word 'Mother'



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Cwic Clips- Values Hierarchy

What is at the top of your Values Hierarchy? There are a lot of important things to value, but ultimately, your Values Hierarchy will be decided by your actions.



and then he goes...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 2 Nephi 1-5 Part 1 (Feb 3 - 9)

lehi panta rei philosophy Feb 03, 2020

'Lehi The Philosopher'

-  Who will come to the Promised Land?

-  Lehi gives his treatise on being 'one' and 'opposition in all things -  He starts with the pre-mortal life

- ...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 16-22 (Jan 27 - Feb 2)

A Bow, A Ship & A Prophet'

-  The Arabian environment

-  Traveling protocol in Arabia

-  Nephi describes the wilderness journey 'like' the Children of Israel

- Like the Liahona,...

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