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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 22-28 Part 2

'Shipwreck and Shackles'

- Paul's defense to King Agrippa
- His epic sea journey and shipwreck
- A God-given purpose is crucial to each of us



Come Follow Me

LDS Mormon New Testament...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 22-28 Part 1

'Jesus is Lord, Lord is Jehovah'
- Paul defends himself in Jerusalem
- This is a court of 'doctrine'
- Paul's 'Heresy' is preaching that the prophets have preached of Jehovah as Christ



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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 16-21 Part 2

'Apollos, Scribes & Servants'
- The Bible- 'as far as it is translated correctly'
- Paul vs Diana
- Paul and King Benjamin



Come Follow Me

LDS Mormon New Testament Acts Bible


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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 16-21, Part 1

'Reason & Strange Things'
- Paul's 2nd Mission
- Paul reasons in the synagogues
- Paul contends with philosophers
- Paul teaches 'Strange Things'



Come Follow Me

LDS Mormon New...

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Bonus: Come Follow Me LDS- Jul 15-21 Part 3: Acts 15

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2019

'Committees- Cambridge vs Salt Lake'
- Peter leads the Jerusalem Conference'
- President Eyring on Councils
- Peter decides on no circumcision for the Gentiles



Come Follow Me

LDS Mormon...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Jul 15-21 Part 2: Acts 12-14

'Owls, Scowls & Glad Tidings'
- King Herod Agrippa's owls
- The Jews and some Gentiles are angry with Paul & Barnabas
- Paul talks of the Glad Tidings of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice


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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 10-15 Pt 1

'Gentiles, Animals & Covenant'
- Cornelius & Peter
- Animals in Visions
- Gentile and Jew as a 'Covenant'
- All of God's children have a part in the Spiritual Economy through Covenant

*I say...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 6-9 Pt 2

'Philip, Simon Magus & Paul'
- Philip's focus on Isaiah
- Simon Magus as the Counterfeit Priesthood
- Paul as Alma the Younger



Come Follow Me

LDS Mormon New Testament Acts Bible


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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 6-9 Part 1

'Stephen & Stones'
- Stephen as an Abinadi figure
- Abraham's Lech Lecha
- The Creation Story as a temple script
- Harming in the name of God




in this episode we're gonna talk...

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Greg Matsen of Cwic Media Interview on Gruler Nation Podcast

greg matsen Jul 08, 2019

This is the full interview I recently did on Gruler Nation Podcast.

We discuss religion, the church, faith, marriage, social issues and my approach to the scriptures and the gospel in the Come...

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