Podcast & Blog

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Cwic Show- Protests, Riots & Cops

Joe Adams talks about what it's like to be a cop right now with the protests, riots, Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement. What does he think about "Defund the Police"? How are police...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 39-42, Book of Mormon

'Spirit Prison & Resurrection'
- Justice vs. Mercy - Justice AND Mercy
- Siron is a 'No-Man's Land'
- Corianton had grabbed onto some wayward ideologies
- YOU are Adam or Eve
- Ponder = To Weigh,...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 36-38, Book of Mormon (Jul 7-13)

'Remembering & Deliverance'
- Alma adds the dual themes of Remembering & Deliverance
- The center of the profound chiasmus in Alma 36 is 'remembering' and being 'delivered' through the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 32-35 Part 2, Book of Mormon

'The Word Is In Christ'
We finish Mormons chapter which comprises Alma chapters 30-35. Alma follows up his sermon on the Word as the Seed by explaining that the Doctrine of Christ is the Word....

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 32-35 Part 1, Book of Mormon

'Alma 32- Faith & The Word'
In contrast to the teachings and desires of Korihor, Alma teaches us how The Word (the Seed), Faith & Perfect Knowledge work. Unlike Korihor, the gospel requires...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 32-35 Part 1, Book of Mormon

'Alma 32- Faith & The Word'
In contrast to the teachings and desires of Korihor, Alma teaches us how The Word (the Seed), Faith & Perfect Knowledge work. Unlike Korihor, the gospel requires...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 30-31 Part 2, Book of Mormon

"The Zoramites"
- The Zoramites reject the Doctrine of Christ
- Self Esteem is sometimes an artificial copy of The Image of God
- The Rameumpton is like the Tower of Babel
- All of the Nephite...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 30-31 Part 1 (July 6 - 12)

"Korihor- Is There A God?"

Korihor, unlike most adversaries to the church and the Nephites, comes across as an atheist. Most adversaries are full of religious zeal or use religion for wicked ends....

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Mormonā€™s Editorial Meta-Message

This is an excellent talk from Brant Gardner on how Mormon may have composed his book, his thought process and his overall message to the reader.



LDS Book of Mormon

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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 23-29, Book of Mormon

'Buried Swords'
- The Lamanites live in a tradition similar to Cain
- What is the name 'Anti-Nephi-Lehies'?
- Though the Anti-Nephi-Lehies are pacifists, those that fight for them are not.
- The...

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