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New Insights On Eve And Her Impact On Women - feat. Meghan Farner

Eve is always an enjoyable yet controversial topic. The Mother Of All Living has been derided throughout most of Christianity and its history. Of course the Latter-day Saints have a unique...

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More Joseph Smith Revealed feat. Hannah Stoddard


What made Joseph Smith so radical?
Did Joseph Smith "wrestle" with God?
Who are the "other" Josephites?

Hannah Stoddard is the Director of the Joseph Smith Foundation. In this interview, we...

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Muslims Worship In LDS Church

A photo of Muslims bowing down in prayer in a Relief Society Room in a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint building is proliferating LDS social media. In the photo, there is a painting,...

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Walk - Sinking Exaltation

The Doctrine of Exaltation seems to be waning. When we lower our focus, we end up with a Therapy or Prosperity Gospel.

Exaltation and The Doctrine of Christ are inextricably connected. Both...

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Is The Church's Tax Exempt Status A Muzzle?

Orthodox members of the Church today often feel anchorless as the Church has changed its message to them. Other members are encouraged because there are no authoritative checks from the pulpit on...

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We Lost The Culture War In The 90s!

Paul Mero is a culture warrior veteran. Washington DC, Utah State politics, and politics within The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. He has experience and insights to them all.


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Thanksgiving - What I'm Grateful For

gratitude thanksgiving Nov 28, 2024

I am abundantly blessed. So are you!


Raw Transcript


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Elder Bednar On Artificial Intelligence And Artificial Infidelity

Elder Bednar frames President Nelson's words, "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost"...

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LDS Family In Ghana - Fish Farm Project

francis sombato ghana Nov 19, 2024

This video shows the progress of Francis Sombato's fish farm. We are fundraising round two to complete this project.

Francis is a Latter-day Saint with a wonderful family and a limited future. This...

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Dallas Jenkins BYU Speech - Five Loaves And Two Fish

Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen, recently gave an excellent talk at BYU. It is exciting to hear such talks from people of other denominations.

Dallas' talk was on overcoming adversity and...

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