All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Walk- Rev Amos Brown and Defund Police, Fentanyl, 2nd Hour Prayer
Elder Renlund confirms first that we have a Heavenly Mother. That is the doctrine. But then shows how "speculation" on that doctrine can take us too far as it has for several. Is this what has...
Ty Mansfield discusses mental health and mindfulness applied to Latter-Day Saints. This episode for LDS and everyone covers depression, anxiety, and stillness as well as relationships of marriage...
- Why we don't say The Lord's Prayer word for word
- Jesus shows that he is both a King and a servant in a fluid hierarchy
- In earth as it is in heaven
- Give us this day our daily bread
'Speech, Envy & Prayer'
- James' focus on Speech as a gift and tool
- More speech = more responsibility
- Envy is covetousness. It is similar to sign-seeking
- Prayer can be...
-How Repentance is an Aaronic Priesthood and Lower Law function.
-Why there are two different prayers for the sacrament.
-Our half of the atonement and John the Baptist.
- Mail Jeep Story
50% Complete
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