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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 115-120

The temple is built after patterns both in form and function.



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3 BYU Professors Teaching Critical Race Theory and Activism In Their Own Words

Several BYU professors teaching and activating students as they support Critical Race Theory and advocate for Ibram Kendi's anti-capitalist, anti-liberal democracy, Antiracism agenda, and book....

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 111-114

"Stems, Rods and Roots"

The Higher and the Lower Laws show us that the "treasure" to be found in Salem, Massachusetts was not a physical treasure, but the spiritual treasure of souls.
The Doctrine...

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BYU Professor Hancock- Response to Elder Holland's BYU Speech from Church Academia

Two Different Religions?
BYU Professor Ralph Hancock discusses his most recent article outlining the academic and religious response to Elder Holland's BYU speech. Focusing on a Faith Matters...

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CRT This Week - SNL Skit, School Board CRT Ban and Getting Rid of the US Clip

Wrap up of Critical Race Theory (CRT) news this week.

00:20 - Saturday Night Live skit covers a mock school board with "crazy" parents talking about CRT and segregation. "What is it and why am I so...

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Cwic Week 10-4-21 Antiracism, War Against Boys, Black National Anthem, and Rise of Liberal LDS

A weekly wrap-up of what we covered this week with additional insights.

- Antiracism and Language
- The Black National Anthem in Forbes Magazine
- Education's war on men is only a slice of a larger...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 109-110

"Checks and Balances"

- The title of God, "Lord God of Israel"
- Covenant
- We are a part of the hierarchal structure seen in visions of Temple Imagery and Drama. We are the "Servants."
- Who is...

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WaPo - The Rise of the Liberal Latter-day Saints and Bottom-Up Revelation

"Bottom-up Revelation?"

In this Washington Post Magazine article, the author creates a narrative that depicts a conflict between "bottom-up" revelation and "top-down" revelation. The article, while...

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Education's War Against Men

"Where Have All The Men Gone?"

We have arrived at a point where for every man that graduates from college, nearly two women will graduate. This is not only a problem for men but for women as well....

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The Black National Anthem in the NFL

The Black National Anthem Pushed by Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality


The NFL is playing the Black National Anthem before games. Why is there a push to have two National Anthems?...

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