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Education's War Against Men

"Where Have All The Men Gone?"

We have arrived at a point where for every man that graduates from college, nearly two women will graduate. This is not only a problem for men but for women as well....

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The Black National Anthem in the NFL

The Black National Anthem Pushed by Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality


The NFL is playing the Black National Anthem before games. Why is there a push to have two National Anthems?...

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CRT This Week 9-25-21

Wrap up of Critical Race Theory (CRT) news this week.

ASU Multicultural library viral video
University of Washington "Critical Librarianship"
CVS conversation and training with Ibram Kendi

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 106-108

The General Priesthood and organization of the Church has a built-in "checks and balances" similar to the US Constitution. There are three quorums that can "check" each other with a unanimous vote....

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Teddy Bear Jesus and The Therapy Gospel

"Teddy Bear" Jesus to Victimhood to Liberation

With works, obedience, and personal responsibility on one end, and grace, comfort, and healing on the other, the gospel pendulum seems to be rapidly...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 102-105

"Saviors of Men"

The Plan of Salvation asks us to all be "saviors of men." God is not just a "Healer" or a therapist. The Plan is for us to become like Him, not just to be "fixed." As we receive...

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Elder Holland's Speech, Critical Race Theory, & Safe Spaces w/ Ben Pacini

Agreement and disagreement on Elder Holland's BYU Speech.
Ben Pacini is a teacher at BYU-Idaho and the host of the "Radical Civility" podcast. We discuss the speech, Critical Race Theory in...

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Deconstructing Your Testimony- Postmodernism's "Lived Experience"

How Might Postmodernism Approach Your Testimony?

A strong tenet of Postmodernism is a "Lived Experience." In reality, it is a hijacking of knowledge. The arrival of "Deconstruction" and "Lived...

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The Church, Left vs Right, and Political Extremes

civility politics Sep 14, 2021

What is "Civility?"

In an ever-increasing polarization of politics, how will the Church create dialogue? What does it mean to be "civil within the Church? How do we avoid political extremities and...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 98-101

"The Law of Liberty"

Oddly, the Lord lifts up the banner of the US Constitution exactly when it is failing the early saints. He speaks of the "principle of freedom" within the Constitution and says...

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