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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 88

"The Olive Leaf"

Doctrine and Covenants 88 is a gargantuan revelation. We set the stage with Joseph Smith and Sections 86 & 87 for the reception of "The Olive Leaf". The Section starts out with...

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BYU - "Immerse Boys In Princess Culture To Heal Toxic Masculinity!"

"School of Family Life Canceling Gender"
New study from Assistant Director Sarah Coyne recommends that young boys, from pre-school age, be immersed in Princess Culture to reduce their toxic...

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Brown Nephites & White Lamanites? Ancient Symbolism Of Skin Color In The Book of Mormon

Were the Nephites brown-skinned? When the Book of Mormon speaks of skin color, is it literal or a metaphor? Actual or symbolism? Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians used skin color as a...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 84

"The Higher and Lower Priesthoods"

Section 84 gives us one of the best examples of The Higher and Lower Laws. Each of the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods is necessary as they represent "Heaven...

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Greg Matsen Interviewed About Critical Race Theory on the Last Dispensation Podcast

Greg is interviewed on Critical Race Theory on the Last Dispensation podcast. He discusses the DNA of CRT, its founders and how it permeates our institutions.




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Race and The Latter-day Saints in South Africa - A Candid Discussion

cwic show race south africa Jul 23, 2021

A Panel Discussion Several South African Latter-day Saints talk bout race, apartheid, and the Restored Church. How is the Church viewed? Is it a "white" Church? What does this mean when there are...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 81-83

In these Sections we get several of the tenets of building Zion. The "Platinum Rule" is outlined, the Doctrine of Christ from Isaiah's Suffering Servant, bearing each others' burdens and caring for...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 77

It was pointed out that King Noah had already suffered death by the time his priests abducted the Lamanite Daughters. It had been a while since I had revisited that. However, I still believe the...

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Questions and Responses in "Comments" to Episode on CRT and the Gospel

Viewer: You have made mention a number of times that we must follow Dr. King and his hope that people will not be judged according to the color of our skin. It appears that you assume that if...

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Cuban Protests and Ibram Kendi's America

The recent Cuban protests shine a light on a message that the media often does not want to share- protesting against Marxism. Ibram Kendi, a Critical Race Theorist, used the example of Castro's...

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