Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Embracing Masculinity And Femininity

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." - Genesis 1:27

There has been so much buzz over the last year about “What is a...

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American Promised Land? Liberty, Politics, and The Book of Mormon

Join Greg on the Liberty & The Doctrine of Christ Tour - https://www.cwicmedia.com/liberty-doctrine-of-christ-tour 

In this episode, we bring back my good friend Bruce Porter, one of the...

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Molding A Teddy Bear Jesus - The Golden Calf As Jehovah

Exodus 32 seems to point toward Jehovah as the Golden Calf. If so, we can look at the Children of Israel as not being willing to rise up Sinai to "see the face of God" like Moses. Rather, they...

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Walk - Why There Are More Women Social Justice Warriors, Critiquing, The Breakdown of Everything

Privileged women are more susceptible to draw of Critical Social Justice due to Unbridled Compassion, guilt, and shame.

"Critiquing" is the process of breaking down and changing. We see this with...

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Telos vs. The Oppressors

Telos vs. The Oppressors


“Life’s not fair.”

This was one of my dad’s favorite sayings to me growing up. Whenever I complained about a perceived inequity in my life,...

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Grace And Works - Latter-day Saint and Evangelical Pastor - Jeff McCullough

"We have these conversations BECAUSE we are different."

What is Salvation?
Reaction to Book of Mormon Verses
How might Protestants see the temple as "Works?"
Once "Saved", can someone lose Salvation?

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Equality vs. Equity

charity equality equity Jul 07, 2023

One of the most commonly used terms in the fight for social justice is EQUITY.

Equity, as used by those on the far left, is best (seems to be) defined as ensuring the equal outcome of all groups...

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Tim Ballard - Sound of Freedom, Trafficking, and American Covenant

In the just-released movie, Sound Of Freedom, Jim Cavieizel plays Tim Ballard as a Homeland Security agent who leaves his job to help trafficked kids around the world. It is moving and a must-see!...

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Deseret News - See "Social Justice As A Religion"

Jacob Hess and C D Cunningham have written an article in the Deseret News on why it is important to see Critical Social Justice as a new religion. While I have stated for years that this IS a new...

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ESG, Bud Light, and The Fight For Capitalism

capitalism esg marlo oaks Jul 03, 2023

In 2022, Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks divested state funds out of BlackRock holdings as he learned more about their commitment to ESG, a corporate social credit system. Marlo discusses how ESG...

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