Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Wokeness, Victimhood, and Charity With Virgins, Talents, and Goats

If Jesus spoke of our time, would he have spoken of the ideologies and philosophies such as wokeness and victimhood in our day? Those things that contradict the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The Parables...

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Unbridled Compassion As A New Godly Attribute

unbridled compassion Jun 02, 2023

Last week I mentioned a podcast I did with Del Tackett where we discuss the problems resulting from the imbalance of either focusing too heavily on the “masculine” or...

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A Virus Added To The Doctrine of Christ

As the virus of woke ideology continues to spread and become more pervasive, I have seen some troubling trends become more and more common among members of the church who have become infected by...

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BYU Student Talks of Woke Activities and Professors At BYU

Whiteness Activities, Genderless Jesus, Advocating for Ibram X. Kendi, Conflating the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Hard Left, Woke tenets.

Tommy Stevenson is the co-founder and past Editor-in-Chief...

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Religion's Decline

religion religiosity May 19, 2023

One of the worrying trends that I have previously touched on but have not been able to give adequate time to is that of our society becoming more and more disenchanted with religion, particularly...

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Inside Knowledge of Ancient Egypt, The Temple, and The Book of Abraham

Gospel On The Nile Cruise - https://www.cwicmedia.com/gospel-on-the-nile

Scholar Bruce H. Porter has a wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience. We discuss what he has experienced in the...

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Our Silo Mentality

In light of my more recent content, I thought it appropriate to address the worrying trend of informational silo-ing and the creation of echo chambers in our lives to ensure that we only see and...

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7 Threats In Our Times - Threat 7 - The Attack Upon the Biblical Family

"Of all the social institutions designed by God, I suppose none is under greater attack than the family."

"If you pierce the family, you pierce its society."

"When Marx and Engels declared...

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John Dehlin Patrick Mason & Civility w/ An "All Star" Panel

Mormon Book Review's Steven Pynakker hosts a panel of Greg Matsen, Rebecca Bibliotheca, and Rick Bennett.



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7 Threats Of Our Times - Threat 6 - Addicted and Soft, Dependent and Lost

Has the underbelly of society been weakened? Have we been weened onto addiction and dependence? Have we lost our way?

Teenagers spend an average of 9 hours/day with their phones and entertainment,...

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