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Religious Freedom- Clayton Christensen

“I asked him if he had learned anything that was surprising or unexpected. Without any hesitation he said, ‘yeah, I had no idea how critical religion is to the function of a...

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“Despite what my seemingly inflammatory title may suggest, this paper is actually an attempt to synthesize some aspects of these two models as much as possible and build a bridge between the...

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How John's Gospel Portrays Jesus as the Way of the Temple

John S. Thompson draws an interesting correlation of The Gospel of John with The Book of Abraham, then gives an overview of how John is composed and organized with apparent imagery of the progress...

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The Day of Atonement, The Mosaic Temple & The Christian Sacrament of Communion

Shon D. Hopkins gives a presentation on how The Day of Atonement, the Mosaic Temple, Passover and the Eucharist/Sacrament are linked with specific symbolism. In the presentation there are many...

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Catholic Theologian on Why "Mormon Materialism" Matters

“In my own spiritual and theological journey into worshiping Jesus and thinking about Jesus, I have benefited from no church more than the Latter-day Saints.”– Stephen H. Webb


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Do Muslims, Jews & Christians Worship the Same God?

It’s not hard to disagree with this article. Of course Muslims and Christians worship differently, have different names and titles for “God” and perhaps believe differently in how...

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The Magdala Stone- This Isn't Your Grandmother's Judaism!

“When she first saw the stone, ‘they say I stood there for three hours.'”

The Magdala Stone is a large carved stone found in an ancient Synagogue in Magdala, the namesake of Mary...

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Ancient Near East & Suzerainty- Wiki

This is an excerpt from Wikipedia on “Suzerainty”:

Suzerainty treaties and similar covenants and agreements between near-eastern nations were quite prevalent during the pre-monarchic...

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Mormonism & The Temple

This is a Q&A session from the Academy for Temple Studies forum in 2012 titled Mormonism and The Temple: Exploring an Ancient Religious Tradition. The Q&A session includes Dr. Margaret...

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Observations On Daniel- Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton wrote as much or more on the Bible than he did on science. In this pdf, Newton gives, of course, a scientific approach to Daniel’s prophecy as a response to King...

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