Cwic Clips- Born Again and The Higher & Lower Laws

Jesus' discussion with Nicodemus on being 'born again' is not just about baptism of water, but of the Spirit as well. Jesus is teaching Nicodemus, a Pharisee, about the Higher & Lower Laws.



and here we have a story of Nicodemus

and this is very interesting we often

times reduce this down to the idea that

we are talking about a baptism or a

baptism by water and we pair it we

compare that to the metaphor of being

born again and that's right to a certain

extent but there's much more to it and

especially in context with what we've

been talking about with a higher and a

lower law and Jesus bringing in the

Melchizedek priesthood and the fullness of

the gospel so we want to be very clear

on what this really represents because

John is painting a picture that is all

about the spirit of the law about the

higher law about the fullness of the

gospel and Melchizedek priesthood so

Nicodemus is a bigwig he's a boss he is

a member of the Sanhedrin he is a master

in Israel as Jesus says and he's a

Pharisee and so he comes to Jesus by

night and he says you know I believe you

must be the son of God

who else can do these all of these

miracles and immediately Jesus comes

back to him and says these words here in

verse 3 verily verily I say unto you

that except a man be born again he

cannot see the kingdom of God so what

does he mean by born again and what does

he mean by kingdom of God we've covered

this before the kingdom of God is the

fullness of the gospel with the

Melchizedek Priesthood so right off the

bat he's saying you've got to have the

fullness of the gospel you have to have

everything you are practicing a religion

speaking to Nicodemus that does not have

everything and in fact you have reduced

everything even with what you have just

like a bin and I was preaching to King

Noah you have reduced everything

theologically to rules and checklists

and merit and that's it that's all that

exists your sacrifices and the law of

Moses has turned it as something

completely different because it's

supposed to represent what comes before

Christ is supposed to look forward to

the atonement and to Christ and that's

basically what he's implying with these


here and Nicodemus comes back to him and

says well wait a minute how can I be

born again do I enter a second time into

enter again a second time into our

mother's room here we have the mention

of a woman again here we have the

mention of the mother again again this

is not trivial

this is John's doing this on purpose and

again being born of God also has a

representation of the king coming out of

the veil out of the Holy of Holies

through the veil there's a lot been

spoken of about veils lately a lot of

changes that have gone on good good

things but I worry about the loss of the

meaning of what the veils represent and

what the veil is I'm gonna do a podcast

on that shortly here so that we can take

a closer look at what veils are and what

they mean to us so you know do I have to

go back into my mother's womb and be

born again how can I be born again and

Jesus answers and says verily verily I

say unto thee except a man and this is

important we skip through this lot

except a man be born of water and of the

spirit and I can just see Jesus

emphasizing the second half of that and

of the spirit he cannot enter into the

kingdom of God right so it is both

baptisms it is the baptism of water it

is the baptism of the Spirit that he's

talking about so he is laying out here

just as John did in Chapter 1 the higher

in the lower laws the difference between

Christ being the Melchizedek and John

being the Aaronic priesthood Bearer this

is what he's going over with Nicodemus

at this time and then he follows up in

verse 6 and says that which is born of

the flesh is flesh this is the lower law

this is what the ironic priesthood

represents and that which is born of the

Spirit is spirit you've got to be born

of both right you need to be reborn

physically with the baptism of the water

and reborn spiritually with the gift of

the Holy Ghost with by the authority of

the Melchizedek Priesthood and then

Jesus go

down and says you know are you a master

of Israel and you don't understand this

well of course he doesn't understand it

because they have lost it they lost it

in many centuries before when they gave

up on Christ and put Moses at the top in

the lower law at the top he then follows

up and says I have told you earthly things

Aaronic priesthood things temporal things

and he believed not so he's telling them

just like a bin and I hey this is he's

probably telling them and telling him

what the law of Moses really represents

it's a look forward it's a preparation

for bigger things for Christ for the

Melchizedek how shall ye believe if you

don't believe in these earthly things

how shall ye believe if I tell you of

heavenly things and that is the new law

the new covenant that he is bringing and

he talks about being raised up just as

the brazen serpent was raised up and

that the Son of Man will be raised up as

well mmm so he and then he goes right

into the famous scripture that we see

often times at football games used to

all the time Tim Tebow puts it right

here he used to put it right there and

that's John 3:16 which says for God so

loved the world that He gave His only

begotten Son that whosoever believeth in

him should not perish but have

everlasting life so you can see as he's

building up this a higher law and

telling them about it well the crux of

that higher law is the sacrifice of the

Son of God and the atonement paying for

everybody's sins


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