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LDS Church News Email on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Church News Email Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Church News run by Deseret News had an article about International Women's Day with several enriching stories from women...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 37-41 - Joseph In Egypt

A Legacy of The Book of Mormon

Did Nephi use Genesis chapters 37-41 about Joseph his ancestor to write his portion of the Book of Mormon? What does Joseph's coat of many colors represent? The...

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"Root Out Racism" is not Critical Race Theory

Many Members Of The Church Are Confused By Those Conflating Root Out Racism with Critical Race Theory

The Charge from President Nelson and President Oaks to "Root out racism" and "lead out" against...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 28-33, Jacob Becomes Israel

Jacob Separates from Esau Then Reconciles in a Covenant Theme

The story of Genesis 28-33 is told in a covenantal outline. Jacob leaves Esau then reconciles with him in an "embrace", similar to an...

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Canada Moving Toward Minority Report Government?

Trudeau and Canada Move Toward "Pre-Crime" and a Social Credit System

When Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act it gave him unprecedented powers as Prime Minister. He was able to circumvent due...

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Neal A. Maxwell on Social Justice, Equality, and Secularism

This is fabulous! Neal A. Maxwell Compares the Gospel (Eternalism) to Social Justice (Secularism)

In 1974 Neal A. Maxwell wrote a very applicable and telling article in regards to egalitarianism,...

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Examples of How Critical Race Theory Manifests at BYU

 A BYU "Whiteness" Assignment and Students Speak Out

The students that leaked this assignment are being harassed by other BYU professors who are threatening to send them to the Honor Code...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Genesis 24-27, The Abrahamic Covenant

All Will Be Tested Like Abraham and Sarah

The Abrahamic Covenant is covered from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. The birthright inheritance and the birthright blessing are both representations of...

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What BYU Is Teaching Your Kids- In Their Own Words

What BYU Is Teaching Your Kids- In Their Own Words

Short Excerpts from BYU Professors and Invited Guests

Teachings from lectures and discussions on Gender, Critical Race Theory, Liberation...

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Brad Wilcox Fireside Controversy, Race and the Priesthood

Brad Wilcox Fireside Controversy, Race and the Priesthood
Brother Brad Wilcox Comments, Apology, and Reactions
What exactly did Brother Brad Wilcox say in his Fireside remarks? Was it racist? What...

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