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Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 36-38, Book of Mormon (Jul 7-13)

'Remembering & Deliverance'
- Alma adds the dual themes of Remembering & Deliverance
- The center of the profound chiasmus in Alma 36 is 'remembering' and being 'delivered' through the...

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Cwic Clips- Born Again and The Higher & Lower Laws

Jesus' discussion with Nicodemus on being 'born again' is not just about baptism of water, but of the Spirit as well. Jesus is teaching Nicodemus, a Pharisee, about the Higher & Lower Laws.


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Come Follow Me LDS - John 2-4 Part 2

Water, Women and Weddings
- Being born again of water AND the Spirit.
- Ancient Marriage Scene of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well.
- How wells are betrothal scenes, i.e., Rebekah, Rachael,...

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