Podcast & Blog

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Fourth of July, Revelation, and The Constitution

Gratitude Should Come With The Principles of the US Constitution

- Sets the stage to leverage agency for good and bad
- Other ideologies fight against these "established" principles
- The US and the...

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The Spiral of Silence, The Prophet, & Defending Truth

Church Culture Throws a Wrench in The Spiral of Silence

The Spiral of Silence is a communication theory of why voices are stifled by others. However, what are the reasons Church members stifle...

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Telos vs The Oppressors

Where Does The Problem Lie?

- Telos is the "supreme end of man's endeavour" - Cicero. Or, Moses 1:39, "this is my work and my glory -- to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

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Come Follow Me LDS - 2 Samuel, 1 Kings - David and Solomon

The Rise and Falls of David and Solomon

- David's great character vs Enduring to the End
- David is King of Juday for 7 `1/2 years
- David Takes Bathsheba, Ensures Uriah's Death
- Solomon, like Jesus,...

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Roe v Wade- Pro-Life LDS Church, Pro-Choice Members?

There Is A Growing Number of Pro-Choice Members Of The Church

- We give a timeline of the strong and consistent position of the Church on abortion and Roe v Wade.

- Can a Pro-Choice view be...

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Come Follow Me LDS - 1 Samuel - Saul, David, and Goliath

The Ritual Anointings and Coronations of the Kings Are Temple Imagery

The contrasts of physical stature and the heart.



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Critical Social Justice - Christianity and The Family

Principles of Truth vs Critical Social Justice

This is a condensed version of a Course I have developed which will be available on www.cwicmedia.com on July 1st. We will also provide "Cheat Sheets"...

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Marxian Utopia, Zion, & The 4 Phases of the Priesthood

All Non-Zion Utopias Are Built Through Tyranny

There are 4 phases to the priesthood that all societies must pass through in order to create Zion or an idea of Utopia. Marxian worldviews are not...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Ruth

We All Need a Redeemer, a "Go'el"




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Come Follow Me LDS - Judges

Royalty and The Word (DBR) in Judges

- The Canaanites continued to live with Israel in the Promised Land
- Deborah is a DBR name and means "Bee Lady"
- Samson tells a riddle with a lion and bees

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