Podcast & Blog

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Elder Oaks- "The Boundary Between Church and State"

I can’t help but follow everything Elder Oaks has to say on freedom of religion and politics. He is a great mind and a strong spirit with the right theological and secular background....

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What We're Still Missing About Modesty

church culture modesty Oct 21, 2015

I found this article very timely. This is a “lightning rod” topic in the church. But I find that the “lower law” of this noble principle is usually taught and used for...

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Elder Sitati on Church Growth in Africa

I always love watching any segment from the LDS World Report on Africa. I don’t know why, but I find the growth there so exciting and intriguing. Certainly, as in any other place in the...

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Joseph Smith's Seer Stone Revealed

The church believes that this is the stone that Joseph used to translate parts of the Book of Mormon. This would be the stone that he put into a hat, then immersed his face into the hat and would...

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Ancient Greek Philosopher Celsus on Early Christians and Esteem for Their Bodies

“The early Christians were known to have remarkably positive views of the human body. Celsus was a second-century Greek philosopher who wrote the first book against Christianity (it was...

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Religion and Government- Elder Wilford W. Andersen

A great article on the balance between religion and government by Elder Wilford W. Andersen. In the US and many other countries, religion and government are on a collision course over rights,...

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Meat! "Abstinence" or "In Abundance"?

I can honestly say I don’t know any member of the church that lives a strict “non-meat” diet because of the Word of Wisdom. Sure, I know plenty of members who are...

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Skin of Blackness (Mayan)

Some of this seems a bit of a stretch. However, based on significant research, we might all consider that the curse of dark skin given to the Lamanites is possibly a metaphor. Many ancient...

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