All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
'Lamoni, Liberty & Synagogues'
- Was Ammon being sacrifices at the Waters of Sebus?
- Who were the Amalekites?
- Lamoni's father has a similar spiritual experience
- Aaron also speaks of the Great...
What was the serpent really saying to Eve?
- Amulek & Alma talk about the first and second deaths
- While speaking on judgment, Alma brings up the Garden of Eden
- Throughout the scriptures, death...
"Alma & Melchizedek"
- A possible Feast of Trumpets stage for Alma and Amulek
- Why Alma talks of the Melchizedek Priesthood in Ammonihah
- The Higher & Lower Laws
- "Casting Off" sins
"Word Up?" Alma in Ammoniah Part 2
Alma (or Mormon) seems to be using the Hebrew root "DVR/DBR" in his writings. This includes all the way up to and beyond Alma 32 where we here of the"word" of God...
"Word Up?"
- Alma teams up with Amulek, a Nephite
- Many in Ammonihah are after the Order of Nehor and want to overthrow the government and the church of God.
- Alma and Amulek teach about Judgemen,...
Amlicites, Amalekites & Amalickiahites. Oh My!
- Three groups in the Book of Alma give context to the major conflicts with the Nephites
- The primary enemies in the Book of Alma are...
How fragile society is, anywhere. Riots, looting, death, destruction and "omission". We need more Charity/Love. We need more "covenant' and more fathers.
We need a stronger American Family...
Alma's questions to those in Zarahemla requires one to face the reality of their mortal existence and to either accept or refuse the truths of both justice and mercy.
A good exercise is to...
'Alma's Questions'
- Alma preaches repentance and the Doctrine of Christ in Zarahemla
- Mass dissension and apostasy in the church
- Alma's testimony comes from the Holy Ghost, not the magnificent...
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