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Come Follow Me LDS- Helaman 7-12 (Aug 24-30)

'Spiritual Famine'
- Nephi calls for repentance from the garden tower
- He preaches that all of the prophets including Abraham, Moses and Isaiah, prophesied of the coming of Jesus Christ.
- Nephi...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 16-22 (Jan 27 - Feb 2)

A Bow, A Ship & A Prophet'

-  The Arabian environment

-  Traveling protocol in Arabia

-  Nephi describes the wilderness journey 'like' the Children of Israel

- Like the Liahona,...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 8-10 (Jan 13-19)

'Lehi's Dream'

-  The dream as a mirror image of the Garden of Eden

-  'Men are that they might have joy'. The dream as chiasmus

-  A reflection of Lehi's environment in Jerusalem


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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 1-7 Pt 2

''Return to Jerusalem'

-  Are Laman and Lemuel Deuteronomists?

-  The Davidic Covenant

-  Lehi is a 'visionary man' against the theology of Jerusalem at the time.

- ...

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A Divine Mother In The Book Of Mormon

This video is from the Academy for Temple Studies where Dan Peterson gives an approach to the association of the tree in Lehi’s dream, Mary and the goddess Asherah.



LDS Mormon

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