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Equality vs. Equity

charity equality equity Jul 07, 2023

One of the most commonly used terms in the fight for social justice is EQUITY.

Equity, as used by those on the far left, is best (seems to be) defined as ensuring the equal outcome of all groups...

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Wokeness, Victimhood, and Charity With Virgins, Talents, and Goats

If Jesus spoke of our time, would he have spoken of the ideologies and philosophies such as wokeness and victimhood in our day? Those things that contradict the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The Parables...

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Walk- Deseret Book Rumors - The Virgins, The Talents, and The Goats Is About Marginalized & Charity

- Deseret Book rumors- I never said that Deseret Book was "waving" the pride flag in their stores.

- US Debt is not an eternal principle

- Capitalism is dead without grace and charity

- The Three...

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The Price of Love

Love Is A Verb First. It Is A Price.

- Mercy = payment, cost, sacrifice. The Love of God is His sacrifice and his work for us.

- Love is expressed as part of a relationship, not just a feeling.


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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 51-57

"Stewards, Talents and Consecration"

The Law of Consecration is the higher law designed for the people of Zion and a Promised Land. Getting there is a matter of becoming "one" as a people. The...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 46-48

"Submission, Holy Ghost, and Gifts"

Our world is moving from a state of responsibility to a state of victimhood. Part of this is due to a lack of gratitude and submission to the Fluid Hierarchy.


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Unity In A Time Of Division

How fragile society is, anywhere. Riots, looting, death, destruction and "omission". We need more Charity/Love. We need more "covenant' and more fathers.

We need a stronger American Family...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 11-15 Part 2 (Jan 20-26)

'The Lamb & The Folds' Part 2

-  'White' is 'Pure'

-  Corruption and the Great and Abominable Church

-  'Tolerance', mercy and 'broad roads'

-  Justice (Cherubim) separate...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 Part 1, New Testament

'The Condescension of God'
- Christ starts near the top of the hierarchy
- He lowers Himself to the bottom of the hierarchy
- Descending or Suffering is Charity or 'Grace'
- 'Make thine enemies a...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Corinthians 14-16 Part 1

'Charity, Prophecy & Hierarchy'
- Faith, Hope & Charity as a hierarchy
- Even Spiritual Gifts have a hierarchy
- Women to be 'silent' in church?
- Women and the priesthood




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