Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast episodes are found here plus some additional posts.

Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 36-38, Book of Mormon (Jul 7-13)

'Remembering & Deliverance'
- Alma adds the dual themes of Remembering & Deliverance
- The center of the profound chiasmus in Alma 36 is 'remembering' and being 'delivered' through the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 8-10 (Jan 13-19)

'Lehi's Dream'

-  The dream as a mirror image of the Garden of Eden

-  'Men are that they might have joy'. The dream as chiasmus

-  A reflection of Lehi's environment in Jerusalem


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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 19-20, Mark 10, Luke 18 Part 1

'The Family, A Camel & A Needle'
- Jesus teaches of marriage and the family to the anti-family Pharisees
- The Young Rich Man is taught the law of consecration and the Higher Law
- What the Young...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Luke 12-17; John 11 Part 1

'You, A Lost Child & Chiasmus'
- Jesus talks about the individual and responsibility
- The Prodigal Son- Who are you?
- The Secret Code of Chiasmus



Come Follow Me New Testament


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