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New Garden Of Eden Insights feat. Bruce Porter

Yes, Eve was beguiled.
What do the fig leaves represent?
What is the "rib."
Are the curses really curses?
Were Adam and Eve actually able to have kids before the fall?

So many of the cultural issues we...

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The Garden of Eden w/ Pastor Jeff McCullough "Ground Zero"

Another great discussion! Pastor Jeff McCullough and Latter-day Saint Greg Matsen discuss the Garden of Eden.

A few months ago, I sat down with Jeff to ask him about his understanding of the Garden...

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Come Follow Me LDS - The Garden of Eden and The Fall

- Eve was beguiled but should be held up higher on a pedestal for a righteous choice.
- The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents the Law of God among other things.
- "Death" in the Garden of...

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Creation, Eve and The Garden of Eden - Provo Presentation

Cwic Interpreter - Temple Imagery & Drama
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The audio is not up to par, but the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 20-22

"Mortality & LDS Scholarship"

In the Garden of Eden, the Serpent told the truth and lied to Eve. He told her that she would "be like the Gods". That was true. She would receive the "law", or...

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Responses To Online Questions On The Creation & The Garden Of Eden

"So, if Joseph Smith said that the morn of creation is the starting point for us to look to "in order for us to understand and be fully acquainted with the mind, purposes and decrees of the Great...

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The Creation as a Vision and a Drama

The Creation and Garden of Eden stories are masked with mystery. But one way of looking at these stories can provide keys to better understand them. Those keys are "Vision" and "Drama". In other...

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Thoughts on Alma, Death & The Garden of Eden

What was the serpent really saying to Eve?
- Amulek & Alma talk about the first and second deaths
- While speaking on judgment, Alma brings up the Garden of Eden
- Throughout the scriptures, death...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Nephi 8-10 (Jan 13-19)

'Lehi's Dream'

-  The dream as a mirror image of the Garden of Eden

-  'Men are that they might have joy'. The dream as chiasmus

-  A reflection of Lehi's environment in Jerusalem


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Come Follow Me LDS- Romans 7-16, Part 1

'Law - Judgement - Grace'
- We have all partaken of the fruit
- We are subject to the law and its consequences
- Grace 'Covers' the law
- Both Trees are necessary

Paul's orchestration of Faith, Works...

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