Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

The Visionary Men And Their Temple Language feat. Dave Butler

In The Language Of Adam book- https://plainandpreciouspublishing.com/

The Visionary Men, states David Butler, are the followers of a tradition of Isaiah, perhaps even descendants of Isaiah. They...

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Come Follow Me LDS 2023 - Matthew 6-7 "The Platinum Rule"

Full Episode Part 1 - https://youtu.be/q9upWVqkRwU Full Episode Part 2 - https://youtu.be/nbLk6IaYnTQ 

You've heard of the "Golden Rule," but have you heard of the "Platinum Rule"?

In this...

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Come Follow Me LDS - 2023, Matthew 5, Luke 6

Full Episode- https://youtu.be/YaA8-OSCaVw

The Sermon On The Mount can be seen as a reversal of Mt. Sinai, where the Children of Israel rejected seeing the face of God and the original tablets from...

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Cwic Week 11-22-21 Microaggressions, Demons, & The Constitution

- Comments on the Church Microaggression Email - Elder Bednar and Choosing to be Offended - Understanding Demons and the Context of the Sermon on the Mount - President Oaks, The US Constitution and...

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Understanding Demons? - Dan Ellsworth

A Continuation of our Conversation On The War In Heaven

Dan Ellsworth and I talk about whether demons are real, how their characteristics apply to you, and why you need to understand them. Dan also...

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Cwic Clips- Be Ye Therefore Perfect

The of Matthew Chapter 5 ends with 'Be Ye Therefore Perfect' as if ending and ascension or completing a progression through a ritual or temple setting.



and then the chapter ends in...

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Cwic Clips- The Beatitudes, The Temple & Lehi's Dream

The Beatitudes seem to take place in a temple/ritual setting with significant temple imagery. Lehi's Dream is compared.



but going through this type of a filter

understanding that the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 5, Luke 6

- Jesus goes up a 'mountain' and creates a temple setting
- He gives the new law and requirements for progression
- Love your enemies? - Perfect?



Come Follow Me New Testament


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Change in "The Lord's Prayer"

In December last year, Pope Francis called for a change in translation of The Lord’s Prayer which is found in the book of Matthew 6:9-13. A variant is also found in the book of Luke.


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