'The Lamb & The Folds' Part 2
- 'White' is 'Pure'
- Corruption and the Great and Abominable Church
- 'Tolerance', mercy and 'broad roads'
- Justice (Cherubim) separate the Great & Spacious Building from the Tree of Life
- The House of Israel fights against the twelve apostles
- Who are the gentiles?
- Different 'Olive Branches' allows for us to participate in God's Plan
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and then going to chapter 12 here we've
had this the whole vision set up here
and now we start to move into a
prophetic type of a vision where he
starts to look at these different folds
of sheep right these different groups
and first of all what he sees is he sees
his own people and we get launched now
from the tree of life in the Great and
spacious building now moving toward
something else and now it's his people
that are moving toward the land of
promise which we can also call the tree
of life in a sense right
that is the oath and covenant of the
priesthood which is exaltation given to
us in a physical representation here and
so the vision then goes toward the land
of promise he sees his own seed and the
seed of his brethren and he sees the
appearance of Christ's coming there to
the Americas and in verse 6 it says and
I saw the heavens open and the Lamb of
God this is all about restoration
descending out of heaven and he came
down and showed himself unto them and
then he goes through what we would
expect whenever you have a new group of
people a hierarchy right he's got to
just establish the heavenly hierarchy
here or the priesthood hierarchy and so
he goes over how the twelve apostles of
the Lamb will judge all of Israel and
that these twelve disciples that will be
called here when Jesus comes to the
Americas will judge his people Nephi's
people and they will report to the 12
apostles so we get this hierarchical
structure of priesthood that's being
developed you have to have that and then
he sees how for most of four generations
there is peace and then there is a
gathering of opposition that starts to
come about again here that's how it
works you have a restoration and then it
lasts for a little while sometimes
longer than others and then it starts to
disintegrate and corruption comes in and
the laws of this world start to take
effect because we are weak
and eventually it wipes out truth and he
describes that again in the terms of
Lehigh's vision he says here in 17 and
the mists of darkness are the
temptations of the devil which blinded
the eyes and hardeneth the hearts it
hardeneth the hearts think about this
and think about others that you may know
where it takes them away from the
doctrine of Christ by that hardening of
their heart and leadeth them away into
broad roads where there isn't this is I
think a very important principle here
what is a broad road and I don't
want to step on anybody's toes here but
you can't have tolerance for everything
tolerance is a popular word and
certainly in many ways we do need to be
more tolerant of certain things but if
there is just a broad brush of tolerance
that is given meaning that everything
goes then you're going into broad roads
correct it is a narrow road that you
need to follow to be able to progress
and to grow and have fulfillment and a
broad road just keeps you in idleness
so the concept of tolerance is crucial
and very very important and in a lot of
ways we can see mercy and love tied in
with tolerance especially when we're
talking about covenant people that are
different from us for everything for any
reason you want tolerance and you want
love there but tolerance of things that
are not doctrinal or tolerance of sin is
something completely different tolerance
of the philosophies of men is going to
put you into a much broader road that
doesn't really get you anywhere and in
eighteen and the large and spacious
building which thy father saw is vain
imaginations and the pride of the
children of men and a great and terrible
gulf divideth them yea even the word of
the justice of the eternal God so let's
go back here in our mirror image and go
back to the tree of life
and understand that at the tree of life
in the Garden of Eden story there is
something that divides us from that tree
of life that does not permit us to go
there what is that let's keep going here
so it's a terrible gulf that divided
them yeah even the word of the justice
of eternal God divides them and the
Messiah who is the Lamb of God is on the
other side of whom the Holy Ghost birth
record ok so again what divides us from
the tree of life is justice
that's the cherubim in the Garden of
Eden story cherubim and the sword that
they carry the flaming sword and then he
sees that because of pride moving away
from the doctrine of Christ and
practice of the doctrine of Christ then
his the seat of his brothers overtakes
his own seed we know that's what happens
at the end of the book of Mormon and
then there's wars and rumors of rumors
of wars and then this is important as we
continue to build up this idea of dark
and light and white and black etc it
says and the angel said unto me behold
thee shall dwindle and unbelief write
the is the seat of his brethren and it
came to pass that I beheld after they
had dwindled in unbelief they became a
dark and loathsome and a filthy people
full of idleness and all manner of
abominations ok so what does dark mean
here if we are looking at the
terminology than what we see with the
Tree of Life and with the Virgin Mary
right and we're talking about purity and
those things that are associated with
the Tree of Life now we get darkness
right so darkness is pride in the sense
it's falling away from the doctrine of
Christ is what dark and darkness is and
then in chapter 13 we get the story of
the Gentiles who are the Gentiles we're
gonna get a better idea of what Nephi
means about the Gentiles here so we get
the Christ the doctrine of Christ and
the Great and spacious building the Tree
of Life Nephi sees his own seed and then
falling into unbelief
that's important because what he's going
to see in the future here everything
he's going to see is all about covenant
and ultimately all about the Abrahamic
covenant and it's about different
people's working through love with each
other and now we're gonna go into the
Gentiles here in chapter 13 and he says
in verse 1 and it came to pass that the
angel spake unto me saying look and I
looked and I beheld many nations and
kingdoms so Gentiles means Nations
that's what it means so we could we
could look at that in different few
different levels wine we could look at
that as the world outside of the house
of Israel right that they are the
Gentiles and that is one way of looking
at it and oftentimes we hear we'll hear
in the Book of Mormon about those the
Gentiles they're out upon the Isles of
the sea and everybody will have the
chance for example to hear the gospel of
Jesus Christ here specifically Gentiles
is used more as the nations of Europe
and this would have been something from
Lehi and Nephi point of view right where
they knew of the Greeks very much so
knew of the Greeks and others that were
going up into the European areas here
that's what we're basically looking at
here when we're talking about the
Gentiles so that's another level and
throughout the Book of Mormon oftentimes
we get that as some a little bit more of
a specified definition to the Gentiles
then the other thing to look at is
sometimes even the Gentiles aren't
considered Gentiles sometimes the
Gentiles or at least those that are in
the Americas and maybe it's a portion of
those that are in the Americas are
considered Ephraim also right who would
be the brother of Manasseh who are the
descendants of the Levites here okay so
13 though here specifically is talking
about the Gentiles and primarily focused
on Europe and so he's going to give us
kind of a background of the Gentiles
coming to the Americas and meeting up
eventually with the his seed and his
brothers seed their descendants and he
says and it came to pass that I saw
among the nation
of the Gentiles the formation of a great
church so he's gonna want to talk about
again that religious football what's
going on with the Tree of Life here
where is that and the angel said unto me
behold the formation of a church which
is most abominable above all other
churches so we get kind of this level of
different churches but we're gonna see
later on that anything that is not of
the Church of God is of the Church of
the devil so to speak here as they call
it or the great and abominable Church so
it says it's above all other churches
but in the end he ends up talking about
everything that is not of the Church of
God as being of the formation of a the
abominable church there's more to this
I'll probably go into that in the study
group but we are not gonna have time to
go into that right now and this church
then slays the Saints of God and torture
them and bind it them down and yoga'
them with a yoke of iron and bringeth
them down into captivity basically what
we're talking about here is evil we're
talking about anything that is going to
fight against the church anything that
brings you into captivity of your agency
of your body etc and he says that the
devil is the founder of this church and
then in 7 he says and I also saw gold
and silver and silks and scarlets and
fine twined linen and all manner of
precious clothing and I saw many harlots
okay so remember the references that we
get oftentimes in the pride cycle in the
Book of Mormon and what the author's
will usually bring out here Mormon
primarily is that things go well for a
year or two and then all of a sudden
there is started to be a class
distinction and people become prideful
and what is the outward manifestation of
that it's right here right it is the
fine precious clothing that comes out
and that starts to be something that in
their world is very important
right we have a lot of things and in
consumerism and in modern the modern
world we can manifest a class
distinction in a lot of different ways
but for them socially that was almost
and primarily by their clothing and in
verse nine it says and that the great
and abominable church looked for the
praise of the world and so you know we
can today we might call that virtue
signaling in many ways here's the
orthodoxy that we're following let's
let's look for the praise of the world
in sending out some virtuous virtue
signaling here and that can happen on
both sides of the political aisle
certainly and there were many waters
that divided the gentiles from the seat
of his brother and of course that would
be the Atlantic ocean remember many
waters is made when you make something
plural oftentimes anciently what you're
doing is you're saying it's large see
it's for example the term Elohim that
means many gods or in other words it
could be just the great God when you
make it plural and so the term eerie
anthem which we're gonna get in
Bountiful and the bountiful of Arabia in
the Book of Mormon really probably just
means a large body of water and then
many Gentiles come over the great waters
to the land of promise and the seed of
laman and Lemuel's the descendants are
spread out and scattered and the wrath
of God is upon them it says why some
because they're bad people it's because
they don't have the gospel it's because
their fathers and their fathers father
is going way back rejected the tree of
life and then we get to an important
principle here again that I'm trying to
build up to here verse 15 and I beheld
the Spirit of the Lord that it was upon
the Gentiles and they did prosper and
obtain the land for their inheritance
okay so the Europeans come across the
Atlantic they get to the Americas and
they're going to start populating the Americas
and by the way they populate Central and
South America very much so right there's
a very strong especially Spanish and
Portuguese bloodline throughout most of
Latin America and it says that they were
white and exceedingly fair and beautiful
like unto my people before they were
slain okay
touchy unless you understand what
is being done here and again I'm not
going to go into too much detail here on
this but understand that white and
exceedingly fair and beautiful is the
exact same way that the Tree of Life was
portrayed the exact same way that the
Virgin Mary was portrayed and it's the
exact same way that he says here that
his people were before they were slain
which means what before they became a
dark and a loaf some people the Nephites
became a dark and a loathsome people
also right they had completely rejected
Christ with Mormon and Moroni in the end
and so exceedingly white and fair and
beautiful my take on this and I have a
lot of evidence to back this up this has
nothing to do with skin color right it
has nothing to do a skin color this is
about whether or not they are partaking
of the fruit fruit of the tree of life
and the type of life that they are
living that's what this is about yes we
have Europeans who have a whiter skin
than indigenous people in the
Americas and so immediately in our minds
in a lower law physical way that's how
we easily distinguish things there as if
there is these have these explanations
here have anything to do with skin color
they don't this is all about your
spirituality this is all about the
doctrine of Christ
that's my take on it and there are
several scholars that would agree with
that and there's a lot of evidence again
probably study group time to go over
that that would that would show that
that is exactly what they are talking
about and I'll go through that as we go
as this comes up throughout the Book of
Mormon and it says that the power of the
Lord is with them well they don't have
all of the doctrine of Christ that has
been removed or he's going to go over
that here in a minute the angel is but
they still have the Christianity with
them and they have a book and that
little bit of difference is everything
it's a big difference and it gives those
peoples those Gentiles a lot more power
and a change in their culture it gives
them strength because of the gospel at
least the portion of the gospel that
they have and we're gonna get that here
a little lower down here in nineteen it
says that I beheld that the Gentiles
that had gone out of captivity were
delivered by the power of God out of the
hands of all other nations and that they
had a book and it was carried forth
among them and of course this is of the
similar to the plates of brass except
not so many and it comes out of the
mouth of a Jew right so it's the Jew
it's that it's the old and new
testaments ultimately but the formation
of the abominable church is going to
change this and there are several places
where we can see this especially with
the Old Testament what we have today in
the Old Testament the earliest full
versions of this that we have are in the
800s and 900s ad there were changes that
were made small changes but important
changes that were made in the texts
between the beginning of Christianity
and the eight nine hundreds ad
all right that's an important thing to
do because you had a Jewish and a
Christian rivalry and the Jews went out
everybody ended up adopting their
finalized text of the Masoretic text we
don't actually know when that was
finalized before that we have changes
that would have been made with the
Deuteronomists we know that they edited
a lot of what we have
a lot of scholars believe that that's
the original writing of the Old
Testament we know that's not true
but they actually believe that that is
toward the original portion of the
writing and that a lot of the writing
may not have even happened until they
were in Babylon taken into Babylon after
Nephi's time we don't know that of
course they've got the black brass
plates here and we know that there was
writing before that but there could have
very well have been a lot of edits that
were made and even books removed like
Zenos Zenok Niham
etc and changes that were made
using things like titles like the Son of
God and what that means and the Lamb of
God and what that means and the son of
the Eternal Father and what that means
all these titles that have great
significance may very well have been
removed from the prophets and from the
even Genesis and we continue to get a
reference with the title of the Lamb of
God as we go throughout this vision the
restorer because here we have the church
The Abominable Church which does what
it's the same thing it's removing the
Tree of Life it's taking away from the
doctrine of Christ and so the Lamb of
God is the right term to use here
because it's talking about a restoration
this is talking about the Tree of Life
the religious football right being
moved around from gen Jew to Gentile it
cetera and being reduced in what it
really is and in 29 and after the plane
and precious things were taken away it
goeth forth unto all the nations of the
Gentiles and after it goeth forth unto
all the nations of the Gentiles yay even
across the many waters which thou has
seen that would be to the Americas
because of the many plain and precious
things which have been taken out of the
book which were plain under the
understanding of the children of men
according to the plainness which is in
the Lamb of God but because these things
were taken out of the gospel of the Lamb
an exceedingly great many do stumble ye
and so much that Satan hath great power
over them what is being led up to here
what they're leading up to is the Tree
of Life being removed or let's call it
pruned excessively right with the
doctrine of Christ is a restoration of
what Nephi's descendants are going to
provide they're going to provide the
Tree of Life which is going to check on
all the other scripture which is going
to check on the book brought forth by
the Gentiles which has been pruned back
and we need to be careful of that
because even in in LDS scholarship right
now you're going to see if you get more
and more involved or for you already are
more and more involved in LDS
scholarship you'll see sometimes the
other way around right you'll see
sometimes the Bible becomes a check on
the Book of Mormon more than the other
way around
so anyway just keep that in mind to be
careful about that and then we get down
to a very important part of this chapter
here and we're gonna start off on verse
35 it says for behold saith the lamb I
will manifest myself unto thy seed that
they shall write many things the Book of
Mormon which I shall minister unto them
which shall be plain and precious right
so this is the fullness of the gospel
the fullness of the tree of life and
after thy seed shall be destroyed
and dwindle in unbelief and also the
seed of thy brethren behold these things
shall be hid up to come forth unto the
Gentiles by the gift and power of the
lamb the restorer
okay and of course that is where Joseph
Smith comes in and then in verse 37
we're going to have a major focus on
this when we get to King Noah and this
is gonna be really important so note
this 37 and blessed are they who shall
seek to bring forth my Zion at that day
he's going to write here directly to
Isaiah 52 7 to 10
for they shall have the gift and the
power of the Holy Ghost and if they
endure unto the end they shall be lifted
up at the last day so this is emulating
Christ is what that's saying it's not
just resurrection
it's emulating Christ when he's lifted
up on the cross and shall be saved in
the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb
and whoso shall publish peace yea
tidings of great joy how beautiful upon
the mountains shall they be that is the
scripture that Abinadi wrestles with
with the priests of Noah and we'll get
to that and the different distinctions
of what that really means and how that's
being treated right now in LDS
scholarship when we get to a Ben and I
but just understand and take note for
now that Isaiah 52 7 to 10 is laying the
groundwork for the entire Book of Mormon
right here and what this means and as we
talk about the restoration of the gospel
coming to the Book of Mormon coming to
the Gentiles from Manasseh right from
Manasseh who wrote the Book of Mormon
then coming to III him or the Gentiles
through Joseph Smith and Moroni we are
talking about covenant we're talking
about these two groups of people working
together that is how everything works
that's what a family is there's a father
who has a certain role and a mother and
a child and we all feel hopefully
eventually all those different roles
that lead either in this life or the
next so that we have covenant with
everyone around us we play the different
roles just like having different titles
and you have to have this to give any
kind of a stage for charity you have to
have a fall away from each other
just like we have a fall from God there
is no chance for charity
from God even not ultimately an ultimate
love from God for his children if
there's not a fall there's no ability to
pay the price
by God himself there is no ability to
make that kind of a sacrifice for his
children and just like he would
sacrifice there's no ability for us
overall to have a role in being like the
Savior and being a part of covenant with
other peoples if we don't have first a
family second community going beyond
that and third these olive branches of
different folds for the Shepherd that
are going to work together like a Jew
and Gentile house of Israel and those of
the Isles of the sea that's what this is
all about Christ and covenant and that's
ultimately with the temple and temple
work is all about and that's what
happens here in 38 and it came to pass
that I beheld the remnants of the seed
of my brethren and also the book of the
Lamb of God which had proceeded forth
from the mouths of the Jews of the Bible
that it came forth from the Gentiles
unto the remnant to the seat of my
brethren so it's laying a groundwork
primarily through in Latin America
Catholicism and in Northern America
through Protestantism and after it had
come forth unto them I beheld other
books which came forth by the power of
the Lamb the Book of Mormon the Doctrine
and Covenants the pearl of great price
could look at specifically the Book of
Moses the Book of Abraham etc and
probably more there will probably be
more and then we get this great phrase
of covenant right here in 42 and the
time cometh that he shall manifest
himself unto all nations this is Jesus
both under the Jews and also under the
Gentiles and after he has manifested
himself unto the Jews like he did in
Palestine and also under the Gentiles
like he does through the restored gospel
then he shall manifest himself under the
Gentiles and also under the Jews and the
last shall be first and the first shall
be last
that is the chiastic phrase of covenant
and then in 14 we're not going to cover
a whole lot here just
times sake but just wanted you to look
at this is mostly about again how the
Gentiles they have the book they have
Christianity they've got some and again
the reason I think that is so important
even if you don't have the fullness of
the gospel is the idea again of
Christianity that you have that much of
a loving God that your what you
worship whether you have the doctrine of
Christ right or not
what Christianity does have is
the idea that what you put at the
highest level of your values hierarchy
what you worship the most is a God that
would love so much that he would
sacrifice everything for you I think
that that is when you embed that into
culture that is going to benefit culture
because we become and use more of the
golden rule when your idols so to speak
when your God does exactly that then you
get the marvelous work and a wonder
among the Gentiles where they're
hardened hearts can be that you can be
delivered from your hardened hearts with
the fullness of the gospel that would
mean with the tree of life we're told
here again that there are only two
churches and that would be again when we
think about that what that means is
there is the restored gospel and the
priesthood that goes along with that and
then there's everything else that takes
you away from the tree of life so when
we say churches we don't necessarily
mean congregations of other Christians
or Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists or
anything else it would be everything and
everybody every type of organization
advertising right entertainment anything
that pulls you away from the Tree of
Life and so that's kind of the story of
the Gentiles they're going to struggle
because of the Great and abominable
church that is going to take this tree
of life that they originally had
starting out here which would have been
at the time of Paul when he was
preaching among the Gentiles and he's
going to that church is going to prune
it back right so that it is a shadow of
what it is supposed to be and you can
that we understand that and see that
going through for example the Creed's
especially the Nicene Creed but all of
them you see a pruning back of the
doctrine of Christ and a loss of course
of the priesthood and so they're going
to stumble as they come forth here we
can see that now I mean we're just a
little behind Europe right and where
Europe is right now with the religiosity
and their Christianity what you see
there now is churches that have become
museums they're rarely ever used they
are for architectural purposes and
tourists they're more tourists that go
through them than there are patrons and
and trends here in the United States and
North America and elsewhere around the
world the Christian world are the same
thing is happening and so the gospel
from the Gentiles is brought back to the
seed of Nephi and laman and lemuel and
they will eventually blossom as the rose
but the Gentiles are going to struggle
over time they're going to really
struggle because of that great and Obama
to the church and then in Chapter 15 we
come right back to the Tree of Life this
is the end of the vision has happened
now and now Nephi is going to explain
some things in Laman and Lemuel and
clarify some things about the vision the
dream of the Tree of Life I think it's
interesting here in verse 2 it says and
it came to pass that I beheld my
brethren and they were disputing one
with another concerning the things which
my father had spoken unto them why are
they disputing it again it's not because
they're not religious that's not what
they're talking about they're trying to
reconcile their beliefs their religious
beliefs with Lehigh's dream and it's not
it's not converging very well right and
so it says in verse 3 for he truly spake
talking about Lehi many great things
unto them which were hard to be
understood save a man should inquire of
the Lord so especially if you've been
brought up in this environment even with
a father and a mother who taught the
doctrine of Christ at least later in
their life we don't know what Lehigh's
earlier life was like when you have the
older sons who have been a part of
and have gone along with his new
orthodoxy and this new religion so to
pretty much then they're having a hard
time making that fit with this Tree of
Life thing and so this gives us our cue
right here in verse 4 and now I need 5
was grieved because of the hardness of
their hearts right pushing against the
tree of life they don't understand it
and he goes over and talks about the
people the Gentiles and the house of
Israel how they are all branches of an
olive tree some are grafted in and
grafted out again it's this whole idea
of covenant we get this big idea from
this in from Zenos in Jacob 5 and
we'll get to that that's gonna be pretty
fascinating and he brings it right back
in to the beginning of the vision here
where he goes right back to the Savior
in 13 it says and now the thing which
our Father meaneth concerning the
grafting in of the natural branches
through the fullness of the Gentiles is
that in the latter days so he's talking
about the different groups the different
folds of sheep here and he's gonna go
right to the Savior is that in the
latter days when our seed shall have
dwindled and unbelief yet for the space
of many years and many generations after
the Messiah shall be manifested in body
into the children of men then shall the
fullness of the gospel of the Messiah
come unto the Gentiles Joseph Smith and
from the Gentiles unto the remnant of
our seed that first shall be last and
the last shall be first down further
wherefore they shall come to the
knowledge of their Redeemer and the very
points of his doctrine there it is come
to the knowledge of the Redeemer and the
very points of his doctrine just like
the angel was explaining the Nephi with
the tree of life that they may know how
to come unto Him and be saved
and at the end of 15 EA will they not
come unto the true fold of God right
there's gonna be many folds out there in
this case right here it's going to be
the Gentiles a small very small portion
of the Gentiles that are part of the
true fold and they're going to bring it
back to Manasseh and tying it in with
Abraham and eight
this points to the covenant which should
be fulfilled in the latter days which
covenant which covenant the Lord made to
our father Abraham saying in thy seed
shall all the Kindred's of the earth be
blessed that's how it's done one fold
working with another fold and ultimately
through our work at the temple and then
laman and lemuel are asking what these
other symbols of the vision mean he goes
over the tree and says it's the tree of
life that rod of iron is the word of God
the temptations and the fiery darts of
the adversary I have my own take on that
I've got a video that I've put on that
and how that is paralleled to the brazen
serpent the river of water that goes
along the side of the rod of iron not
the one that's at the Tree of Life
is filthiness and then we get this
division of justice again here an
explanation of that in 30 and I said
unto them that our Father also saw that
the Justice of God did also divide the
wicked from the righteous right and the
brightness thereof was like unto the
brightness of a flaming you might think
sword right there but here it's fire
same thing though right it's the flaming
sword which has sent it up unto God for
ever and ever and hath no end
it's the cherubim guarding the Tree of
Life and then they asked me fie this
question well is this something is this
gonna happen temporally in other words
in this world where we're gonna suffer
because of our bad mistakes or is this
an eternal thing
and so then Nephi brings us all back
down to judgment and lets us know that
our works are essential that the Tree of
Life is there for us because of the love
of God but that of course we have to
hang on in the rod of iron and we have
to make our way to the Tree of Life so
judgment is both temporal in this life
in other words the consequences are
temporal and they're also spiritual and
he finishes off in verse 30
six where for the wicked are rejected
from the righteous and also from that
tree of life whose fruit is most
precious and most desirable above all
other fruits yay and it is the greatest
of all the gifts of God
so again tying it all back together
again Christ and the doctrine of Christ
is all about covenant the covenant that
is between us and our Father in heaven
and then covenant amongst us with each
other is how that love is played out
throughout time and how we weave in and
out and the first is last and the last
is first and we all have the opportunity
to offer charity and love to those
around us
and to other peoples and to spread the
gospel and to live the gospel and to
emulate the Savior as is described by
the Tree of Life
I'll talk to you next time
50% Complete
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