Podcast & Blog

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The Price of Love

Love Is A Verb First. It Is A Price.

- Mercy = payment, cost, sacrifice. The Love of God is His sacrifice and his work for us.

- Love is expressed as part of a relationship, not just a feeling.


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Come Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 18-24, Book of Mormon (May 11 - 17)

Bearing Burdens & 'Nasar'
-  Alma's people bear light on the baptismal covenant
-  The Place of Mormon
-  We are all to tried like Abraham and Sarah
-  How 'Nasar' may play a...

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Cwic Clips- At- One-ment, Mercy & Covering

How do these words and concepts work together? What do they have to do with the Ark of the Covenant? What does 'covering' (Kippur) with robes have to do with Atonement? How is mercy a part of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 2 Corinthians 1-7 Part 1

'Affliction, Comfort, The Letter & The Spirit'
- Paul piggybacks the Spiritual Economy onto Hierarchy
- How the victim and the perpetrator are healed through forgiveness
- The convergence of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Romans 7-16, Part 2

'Weakness, Strength & Body'
- The body is the real temple
- The temple is veiled
- Weaknesses and strengths are what the Plan of Salvation are about
- Forced Equality removes the Spiritual Economy...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Romans 1-6 Part 2

'Wages & Gifts'
- Further development of Faith, Works & Grace
- The Tree of Knowledge as 'The Law'
- Abraham as the linchpin for the Jews & Gentiles
- Paul adds a crucial component of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Acts 10-15 Pt 1

'Gentiles, Animals & Covenant'
- Cornelius & Peter
- Animals in Visions
- Gentile and Jew as a 'Covenant'
- All of God's children have a part in the Spiritual Economy through Covenant

*I say...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matt 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 18 Part 2

'The Law, Mercy & A Valley'
- Law and Mercy meet in Gethsemane
- The Valley of Kidron, where Gethsemane lies, is the Valley of Judgement
- There is no way 'around' the law
- The Sacrifice of Jesus...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 25, Mark 12-13, Luke 21 Part 2

'Prepare, Procrastinate, Perish'
- Rehashing the parable of the 10 Virgins
- Parable of the Talents, Spiritual Capital
- Higher & Lower Laws in the Parables
- The destruction of the temple of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 18, Luke 10 Part 1

'The Greatest, 7 x 70 & The Seventy'
- How to be 'the greatest' in the Kingdom of God
- 7 x 70 and forgiveness in the Spiritual Ecomony
- The Seventy as representatives to the world


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