Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

The Problem With Men And Masculinity In The Church - Part 2

Huge response to the first video of The Problem With Men And Masculinity In The Church. In this follow-up episode, we address a number of the popular responses in the Comments section and talk more...

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Where Are The Men In The Church?

There Are Fewer Male Members Of The Church

- What messaging are we giving men?

- Do we adequately portray a positive male experience in the Church?

- So many women's programs, so many single women...

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BYU - "Immerse Boys In Princess Culture To Heal Toxic Masculinity!"

"School of Family Life Canceling Gender"
New study from Assistant Director Sarah Coyne recommends that young boys, from pre-school age, be immersed in Princess Culture to reduce their toxic...

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