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Forget What is a Woman, What is a Parent?

Identitarianism Seeks to Destroy the Traditional Family

Language can be a virus to our understanding of the world. Ibram Kendi's new book, "How To Raise An Antiracist", often replaces "parent" with...

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Liberation Theology and The Latter-day Saints

 Is the Greatest Threat to The Restored Gospel Liberation Theology?

What is Liberation Theology?

How does it change the Doctrine of Christ?

How are Faith, Hope, and Charity affected?

How is...

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Martin Luther King Jr vs The Radicals

Martin Luther King Jr Supported American Ideals and Classical Liberalism

One of the great differences between Martin Luther King Jr and the radical movements of Critical Race Theory and Antiracism...

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3 BYU Professors Teaching Critical Race Theory and Activism In Their Own Words

Several BYU professors teaching and activating students as they support Critical Race Theory and advocate for Ibram Kendi's anti-capitalist, anti-liberal democracy, Antiracism agenda, and book....

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Cuban Protests and Ibram Kendi's America

The recent Cuban protests shine a light on a message that the media often does not want to share- protesting against Marxism. Ibram Kendi, a Critical Race Theorist, used the example of Castro's...

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BYU Professors Equate Pres Nelson w/Ibram Kendi & Critical Race Theory

As was predicted, some professors at BYU are already starting to teach the students that President Nelson's words are the same as Ibram Kendi's words and go along with Critical Race Theory.


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Critical Race Theory and an LDS Jesus

"A Woke LDS Jesus?"
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Liberation Theology and new "Christologies" are making their way through Christianity and to the doorstep of the Latter-day Saints....

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