All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
ASU visiting professor gives a large Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion lecture on the Book of Mormon declaring that, "iniquity is inequity." Positions Nephite Dissenters as the victims, and leans on...
Critical Theory is built as a virus to destroy everything precious or part of the Order of God. It is the secular tool to destroy your spirit. Its tenets and praxis (activism) change one's entire...
The Philosophies of Men in the Book of Mormon and Today
Of course, the Book of Mormon is about Jesus Christ. But there is more. One way to look at the Book of Mormon is through the Nephite...
Greg is interviewed on Critical Race Theory on the Last Dispensation podcast. He discusses the DNA of CRT, its founders and how it permeates our institutions.
In an article entitled, "How Critical Race Theory Helps us Follow Jesus," the author, a member of the Church, uses scripture and the words of Jesus, and the words of President Hinckley, President...
Critical Theory as a whole is a major threat to Western Liberal Democracy not to mention the Church and to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this episode, we focus on the way many of the...
As was predicted, some professors at BYU are already starting to teach the students that President Nelson's words are the same as Ibram Kendi's words and go along with Critical Race Theory.
This episode pulls from the words of President Nelson, President Oaks, and others in recent talks on race that are stark contrasts to the tenets of Critical Race Theory. The Church leaders are...
"A Woke LDS Jesus?"
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Liberation Theology and new "Christologies" are making their way through Christianity and to the doorstep of the Latter-day Saints....
"We Have Received The Proclamations For A Reason"
As we observe the fruits of Critical Race Theory in several Christian denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Church of...
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