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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 88

"The Olive Leaf"

Doctrine and Covenants 88 is a gargantuan revelation. We set the stage with Joseph Smith and Sections 86 & 87 for the reception of "The Olive Leaf". The Section starts out with...

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Come Fe Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 4-6 (Apr 20-26)

'King Benjamin & The 4 Phases of the Priesthood'

-  King Benjamin's Speech passes through Faith, Hope & Charity

-  The difference between Marxism and King Benjamin

- The Fluid...

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A Primer To The 4 Phases Of The Priesthood- For Men & Women

All men and women, families and societies must go through the Four Phases Of The Priesthood for success. The Four Phases are:

1- Agency (Obedience, Commandments, Sacrifice)
2- Speech (Expression,...

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