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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 77

It was pointed out that King Noah had already suffered death by the time his priests abducted the Lamanite Daughters. It had been a while since I had revisited that. However, I still believe the...

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Cwic Show- War in Heaven Grace, Works and Agency

LDS writer and thinker, Dan Ellsworth, joins me for a discussion on the War in Heaven. A topic rarely discussed in detail, Dan and I talk without a script or questions about our thoughts on the War...

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Cwic Show- Book of Revelation Explained - Ian Paul

In this episode, The Book of Revelation Explained, Dr. Ian Paul talks about interpreting the Book of Revelation. He calls the book "the most remarkable text you will ever read." We discuss the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Revelation 1-11 Part 2, New Testament

'Thrones & Seals'

-  Revelation describes a Throne Scene in the Holy of Holies

-  The Four Beasts

-  The 24 Elders

-  The Seven Seals

A few late night editing errors on this...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Revelation 1-11 Part 1, New Testament

'Stars & Candlesticks'

-  The Book of Revelation is to be read as a vision or dream

-  It is in a Temple of Solomon setting

-  It is to be understood in context with other...

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